By Alejandra Munoz, CPC, NCICS
Intersex Surgery, only 2 codes within subsection Male to female Female to male Complicated procedures completed over extended period of time. Performed by multiple physicians with extensive specialized training
Vulva, Perineum, and Introitus Vagina Cervix Uteri Corpus Uteri Oviduct/Ovary Ovary In Vitro Fertilization
Skene’s glands coded with Urinary System, Incision or Excision codes Categories Incision Destruction Excision Repair Endoscopy
I&D of abscess: vulva, perineal area, or Bartholin’s gland Marsupialization: Cyst incised Drained Edges sutured to sides to keep cyst open
Lesions destroyed by variety of methods Destruction = Eradication not excision Excision is removal (Divided by simple or extensive destruction) Destruction: No pathology report
Biopsy includes: Local anesthetic Biopsy Simple closure Code based on number of lesions Place number of lesions on CMS-1500 in 24G
Extent is: Simple: Skin and superficial subcutaneous tissues Radical and deep subcutaneous tissues
Many plastic repairs Read notes following category If repair procedure for wound of genitalia, use Integumentary System code Endoscopy (56820, 56821) By means of colposcopy, with or without biopsy
Codes divided based on service: Incision Destruction Excision Introduction Repair Manipulation Endoscopy/Laparoscopy
For non-obstetrics repair Obstetric repairs, use Maternity Care and Delivery codes Global period usually 90 days Review the operative report for specific details relevant to accurate code assignment
Dilation: speculum inserted into vagina and enlarge using dilator Procedures done under general anesthesia or spinal anesthesia Foreign body removed from vagina without anesthesia, assign E/M code Not appropriate to bill pelvic exam under anesthesia when other related procedures performed at same session (e.g., D&C)
Colposcopy codes based on purpose: E.g., biopsy, diagnostic, LEEP LEEP uses heated wire to excise, AKA diathermy Includes: Laparoscopic approach for repairing paravaginal defect
Enables medical provider to view an endocervical polyp
It is the narrow, lower end of uterus; services include endoscopy, excision, manipulation, and repair
Dilatation and Curettage (D&C of uterus) After dilation, curette scrapes uterus Do not report postpartum hemorrhage service with Use Maternity and Delivery code
Many hysterectomy codes Based on approach (vaginal, abdominal) and extent (uterus, fallopian tubes, etc.)
Common procedure e.g., insertion of an IUD Report supply of device separately Specialized services e.g., artificial insemination procedures Used to report physician component of service
Laparoscopic approach for: Removal of myomas or uterus Codes divided by tissue and weight
Oviduct: Fallopian tube Incision category contains tubal ligations When during same hospitalization as delivery, ligation is coded separately Watch “separate procedure” codes If another related procedure is performed at same session “separate procedures” are not billed separately
Specialized codes used by physicians trained in fertilization procedures Codes divided by type of procedure and method
Divided by service: Antepartum services Amniocentesis Fetal non-stress test Type of delivery Vaginal delivery C-section Delivery after C-Section Abortion
Fetal gestation: Approximately 266 days (40 weeks) EDD: Estimated Date of Delivery (280 days from last menstrual period) Trimesters: First: LMP to week 12 Second: week 13 to 27 Third: week 28 to EDD
Uncomplicated maternity case includes: Antepartum care (before birth) Delivery Postpartum care (after birth)
Included in delivery Not reported separately
Payers differ on reporting format -22 (unusual procedural services) -51 (Multiple Procedure)
Spontaneous: Happens naturally Incomplete: Requires medical intervention Missed: Fetus dies naturally during first or second trimester Septic: Missed abortion with infection
Medical intervention: Dilation and Curettage or evacuation (suction removal) Intra-amniotic injections (saline or urea) Vaginal suppositories (prostaglandin)
Buck, C. (2010). Step by Step. Elsevier.