MISSION UNITED Proudly Serving Those Who Have Served
2 Mission United: Mission and Vision Statements Mission Statement : To unite our community to create a comprehensive system of care that positively impacts the lives of veterans and their families. Vision Statement: To be an exceptional convener of partnerships and a provider of services for veterans and their families.
3 Mission United: Local Needs Assessment Existing Documents, Reports & Databases Secondary Data Analysis Key Informants Survey Administration Community Forum / Town Hall Meeting(s) Focus Groups Literature Review
4 Mission United: Identified Needs Behavioral Health & Readjustment Family Strengthening & Preservation Financial Assistance Housing & Employment Supportive Services & Benefits Navigation Community & Resource Gaps
5 Mission United: Program Model
6 Mission United: How it Works Centralized case management model Info, referral and follow-up Mentoring Employment Housing Educational achievement Legal counsel Health services and support Financial assistance
8 Mission United: Contacts Kathleen Cannon, CEO Howard Bakalar, CPO Leland Liebe, Senior Director, Mission United
GIVE. ADVOCATE. VOLUNTEER. LIVE UNITED Mission United – Orlando April 26, 2016
GIVE. ADVOCATE. VOLUNTEER. LIVE UNITED 10 MISSION: To create systemic change through education, advocacy and collective impact resulting in a: Centralized point of entry Streamlined navigation and service delivery processes Reduction of veterans needing intervention services
GIVE. ADVOCATE. VOLUNTEER. LIVE UNITED 12 Legal Education Employment Health Housing New way
GIVE. ADVOCATE. VOLUNTEER. LIVE UNITED 14 Since launch: COMMUNITY COLLABORATION SUCCESS Education fair partners25 Legal Stand Down consultations49 Job placements72 Paid Internships10 Mission Accomplished December 2015 Mission United was honored to received the MyVA Community designation. This designation is an endorsement by the VA of Mission United as the locally driven movement that brings together leaders, advocates, and service providers to discuss and improve outcomes for Veterans, Service members, and their families. VA’s role: VA Directors for Health Care, Benefits and Cemeteries participate in advisory board meetings. Facilitate contacts for various clinics and departments throughout VA. Direct communication with local VA leadership on VA strategies and initiatives. HFUW’s role: Ensure an open line of communication between Veterans, VA, and community stakeholders. Select issues on which council may focus energy and attention (e.g. homelessness, employment) and identify desired, specific (measureable) outcomes for their communities. Host and organize 2 public forums per year. Host 6 council meetings per year. MU Community Employment Partners 12 Education Partners 8 Legal Partners 5
GIVE. ADVOCATE. VOLUNTEER. LIVE UNITED 15 TEXT FEATURE: Automated text message tracks delivered every week concerning: Employment Legal Education Events Finances Easy opt-in: Text the word Mission to Automated Response Message with options: 2 way text functions the same as standard call-in text format Ability to opt in to get information on areas of interest
GIVE. ADVOCATE. VOLUNTEER. LIVE UNITED 16 SAMPLE TEXTS Have a child support or rental issue & need legal advice? Legal Aid - Orange County will Lake Baldwin VA Canteen 3:00-5:00pm Tuesday 4 free consultations. VBI provides advanced resume, interview, market research & small business help 4 vets. Intense but gives access 2 HR leaders. Click 4 info Join UCF on July18 for “Knight for a Day” open house 4 more about UCF, the app process, & financial aid. Veterans getting together to help out developmentally disabled kids. Want to check it out? Click for details - bit.ly/1Ic0ISebit.ly/1Ic0ISe
GET INVOLVED Contact: Larry Olness, SVP Community Services Priscila Kalagian, Mission United Manager #MissionUnited
Using Your United Way's Core Assets to Serve Veterans in Your Community UNITED WAY OF GREATER HOUSTON
OUR CORE APPROACH Texas/United Way HELPLINE is the heart beat of our work with veterans We want sustainability after funding dries up We will support the work of nonprofits, local government, businesses to make Houston better for veterans We follow the motto “all roads lead to the VA” Remain responsive to the unique needs of our community
TIMELINE Awarded Triad Grant San Antonio Area Foundation Hired Veteran Call Specialist Continued building knowledge More Veteran Call Specialists Education & Outreach Veterans’ Study and Response Collaboration and Capacity Building forever
OUR MISSION Increasing information sharing and public awareness of veteran services and issues Strengthening the community-based safety net for veterans and their families Engage United Way donors and volunteers in the work of our veterans’ initiative
INFORMATION SHARING Texas/United Way HELPLINE is the first point of contact with UW 100% follow up with all veteran callers Increase awareness of “Serving Those Who Serve” educational series for providers; “We Remember” for pre 9/11 veterans Identify Community Resources to enhance I&R
INFORMATION SHARING Help veterans access community-based and government: Benefits Employment Education Housing & Homelessness Female Veteran Services Post 9/11
STRENGTHENING SAFETY NET $500,000 in targeted collaborative grants for veteran- specific issues since 2014 – address identified needs Networking meetings at four UWGH locations Integration with affiliate funding Part of UpSkill Houston workforce development program Nonprofit Connection consultation for organizational development
COLLABORATIVE PROJECTS Area law school and law services organization Law students research to improve chances of veteran discharge status upgrades Advocating for upgrades in discharge status Mental health provider and county government Training mentors to support misdemeanor and felony veterans’ treatment courts
ENGAGE DONORS Veterans’ issues are part of every tour Veterans from corporations determine which grants receive approval Bus tours of veteran programs Impact Days - volunteer projects at veteran programs Deloitte “Impact Day” conference for veterans on entering the corporate world
RESULTS More than 15,500 veterans served (basic needs, employment, counseling, health care, etc) in 2015 Calls in 2015: 12,637 callers (55% Army) 50% reduction in area meetings – find value in UWGH On average 45 attend UWGH networking meetings