The Lost Colony of Roanoke
Questions Who did Queen Elizabeth give permission to settle land in America? Who led the second Roanoke colony? Why did the Roanoke colony fail? What did England learn from the failed Roanoke Colony?
Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Seventh Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline Level Sir Walter Raleigh ■ Given permission to claim land in North America ■ Claims Roanoke Island in the name of Queen Elizabeth I
Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Seventh Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline Level Roanoke Colony – Attempt #1 ■ 1585, 100 men were sent to colonize Roanoke Colony ■ Suitable for crops/climate ■ Indian attacks ■ Lack of supplies ■ Things were so rough during the winter, they returned to England You are here
Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Seventh Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline Level Roanoke Colony – Attempt #2 ■ 1587, Raleigh sends another group of settlers ■ 91 men, 17 women, and 9 children ■ Lead by John White ■ Needed supplies, White returns to England
Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Seventh Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline Level Reasons led to failure of Colony ■ No protected harbor ■ Lack of people, money, supplies ■ Enemy attacks ■ Storms ■ Lesson learned: ■ Better planning needed for a successful permanent colony
Click to edit the outline text format Second Outline Level Third Outline Level Fourth Outline Level Fifth Outline Level Sixth Outline Level Seventh Outline Level Eighth Outline Level Ninth Outline Level White Returns… ■ 3 years later, White returns to Roanoke ■ Colony was deserted of all inhabitants ■ The only clue was the word “Croatoan” carved on a gatepost
And they were never seen again… What do you think happened to them?
Changing Roanoke’s fate ■ Write a letter to Queen Elizabeth explaining why Roanoke colony failed. ■Two paragraphs ■ Then create an alternative plan that might have made the colony survive. ■ Plan must address at least two of the problems that Roanoke colony encountered.