Chapter 3: The English Establish 13 Colonies 1585 - 1732 Section 1: Early Colonies Have Mixed Success
Vocabulary headright: land grant given to one who could pay his way to the colonies indentured servant: one who worked for a set time without pay in exchange for a free passage to America joint-stock company: company funded by a group of investors charter: written contract giving the right to establish a colony
Roanoke Colony (“The Lost Colony”) England’s first attempt at colony in America Established 1585 in Virginia by Sir Walter Raleigh When colonists returned in 1587 the colony disappeared.
Jamestown founded 1607 First permanent English settlement in America Founded by Virginia Company of England Trouble: Disease from water/insects Climate – hot/humid summers, freezing winters Settlers searched for gold instead of building houses and planting crops Only 38 colonists were still alive after the first winter
Jamestown is Saved John Smith forces colonists to work Powhatan Indians trade corn to the colonists Tobacco profits send thousands of settlers to Jamestown.
House of Burgesses 1619 First representative government in the Colonies Elected members would meet to vote on new laws and plans for the Jamestown colony.