Essential Question What were the positive/negative effects of the first attempts by England to establish colonies in America?
The 1 st English Colonies Chapter 3 Section 1 PT 1
Sir Walter Raleigh
Roanoke In the early 1500’s, England wanted to establish a foothold in America – With few job opportunities at home, America’s riches were attractive to some British people This led to the first attempt by the British to set up a colony in America Queen Elizabeth gave Sir Walter Raleigh permission to sponsor this colony – Raleigh was a famous soldier/adventurer/pirate favored highly by the Queen Unfortunately, Raleigh’s colony fell on hard times from the beginning b/c of: 1.Isolation 2.Conflict w/ local natives 3.Lack of food – This led the colonists to return to England
The “Lost Colony” Raleigh tried to establish the colony again in 1587 – This time, however, he stayed in England and appointed a governor John White, a member of the original Roanoke colony, was Raleigh’s choice – White was well-respected and talented, but the 2 nd colony quickly headed in the same direction as the original – White decided to return to England to resupply and recruit more settlers – Unfortunately, he arrived in England just as the Spanish Armada was about to attack » He had expected to return to Roanoke in 3 months, but he was stuck in England for 3 YEARS! When White finally returned to Roanoke, all the colonists were gone White searched the neighboring areas, but did not discover their fate – For this reason, Roanoke is often referred to as the “Lost Colony”
John White Drawing Your totally RIPPED, Bro!! I know, I WORK OUT!!
Quiz Question Which was a significant factor in the failure of the Roanoke Colony? a. Hostile Native Americans b. Lack of food c. isolation from other Europeans d. All of the above
Founding Jamestown In 1607, 100 colonists sent by the VA Company of London arrived in Chesapeake Bay – They traveled up a river, later named the James River, to find a suitable spot to settle They were seeking a spot that gave them good access to the ocean, yet was far enough inland to avoid Spanish attack – When they finally settled, the name the settlement Jamestown, after King James I This became the 1 st permanent, and eventually successful, English colony in America