Yarra Ranges Network AGQTP 2009
Meeting program Welcome back; welcome to new participants Needs and skills data collection Some paperwork: Participant forms Introductions - Meet same-level colleagues across the network Think, Pair, Share Partnership and Team formation for school based professional learning eLearning and planning for trials Level 1: Photostory with Cathy Blackburn Interactive Whiteboards with Judy Drew & David Pelosi Level 2: Photostory with Cathy Blackburn Interactive Whiteboards with Peter Humphreys Level 3: Wikis with Cathy Blackburn Interactive Whiteboards with Peter Humphreys Level 4: Wikis with Cathy Blackburn Interactive Whiteboards with David Pelosi Network wiki
Ways we work together Listen with empathy and understanding Adopt a shared sense of responsibility Adopt respectful collaboration Address problems constructively Defer judgements / keep an open mind Acknowledge diversity and difference Assume and act with positive intent Use constructive language Share ethically Create opportunities to enjoy working together
Data collection The two most commonly requested areas at each level were selected for the September meetings
Participant forms AGQTP requirement that participants complete these forms – please complete and return to me before you leave this afternoon. Thank you
Introductions & Think, Pair, Share Self-Introductions Think, Pair, Share – Reflect on the taster sessions from our first meeting at Rolling Hills PS: Literacy with David Pelosi Numeracy with Esther Hall What, if any, ideas have you been able to implement with your class since this session? How successful have they been? Why? / Why not? OR, Describe an eLearning strategy or tool you have used recently with your class, commenting on your purpose and its success. Record your experience on a post-it along with your name and school and group with like experiences on the butchers’ paper
Partnership & Team formation eLearning goals Formation of needs-based partnerships and teams to organise coaching, team-teaching and modelling /peer observation in our respective schools Suggested possible groupings at Level 3: IWBs Trish Rathmell Janice Sauvarin Natalie Lowe Photostory Helen Heller Mary Anne Dooley ? Darren Ratten Marianne Kehoe Podcasting Trish Rathmell Janice Sauvarin Wikis Helen Heller Mary Anne Dooley ? Darren Ratten Marianne Kehoe Natalie Lowe
eLearning & Planning for Trials Level 1: Photostory with Cathy Blackburn Interactive Whiteboards with Judy Drew & David Pelosi Level 2: Photostory with Cathy Blackburn Interactive Whiteboards with Peter Humphreys Level 3: Wikis with Cathy Blackburn Interactive Whiteboards with Peter Humphreys Level 4: Wikis with Cathy Blackburn Interactive Whiteboards with David Pelosi
Literacy & Numeracy Tool Reflections YARRA RANGES AGQTP PROJECT Enhancing Literacy and Numeracy Outcomes Through eLearning Name: _______________________ Class Year Level: ______________ Choose a tool / eLearning strategy to try in your classroom Name of the tool / strategy Website address (if applicable) How do you plan to implement it within your literacy curriculum? How do you expect it to support your students’ learning? Now that you have tried this tool / eLearning strategy, which literacy skills does this tool assist students to develop? Would you use this tool / strategy again? Give reasons for your answer What modifications, if any, would you make to the integration of this tool / strategy into your program? Recommendations to other teachers
Network wiki yarrarangesnetwork.wikispaces.com