Developing the High Performance Building Standards: Where One Standards Developer is Headed ecobuild fall 2008 Claire Ramspeck Director of Technology American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers
About ASHRAE Mission: To advance technology to serve humanity and promote a sustainable world. ASHRAE develops more than 120 standards and guidelines related to HVAC & R 2
ASHRAE Sustainability Standards Standard 55, Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy Standard 62.1, Ventilation and Acceptable Indoor Air Quality Standard 90.1, Energy Standard for New Buildings Except Low-Rose Residential Buildings Standard 189.1P, Standard for the Design of High-Performance, Green Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential Buildings Standard 191P, Standard for the Efficient Use of Water in Building, Site and Mechanical Systems 3
Other ASHRAE Tools Research Handbooks Advanced Energy Design Guides (AEDG’s) Educational programs Personnel certification ASHRAE Journal and High- Performing Buildings magazines 4
Why Do Sustainability Standards Matter to You? Demand from: Property Owners/ Managers Utilities Code/Law International National Regional/Local General Public 5
Building Energy Efficiency “…is the single most important opportunity for reducing greenhouse gas emissions” ( ASHRAE President Kent Peterson) 6 “…is the “fastest- growing success story of the last 50 years” (American Council for an Energy Efficient Economy)
Where are we going from here…. or Is green tomorrow’s pet rock? 7
Making the Business Case for Green 8
11 Energy Star reports 10-20% lower operating costs
DOE Commercial Building Energy Alliances Three active alliances, more to come – Retailer Energy Alliance – Hospital Energy Alliance – Commercial Real Estate Energy Alliance Membership in the three alliances covers more than 5.6 billion square feet – Using the owner’s business case – Information network for sharing best practices and ideas 12
ASHRAE Goals Provide NZEB design tools for all commercial building types by 2020 – plan is to do this through AEDG series 30% increase in stringency of Standard by 2010 version of 90.1 Target for either 90.1 or is NZEB in 2031 – unrealistic for 90.1 applying to all buildings but appropriate for applying to “advanced” stock
ASHRAE Goals (cont.) Add plug loads to 90.1, perhaps establishing W/ft 2 levels Develop target energy budgets for 90.1 by building type and climate zone (Special Project 123 is underway) After set of 50% guides, produce AEDGs for NZEBs instead of 70% guides Develop e-Learning modules for NZEB design guidance Launch High-Performance Building Design Professional (HBDP) certification program (recently done)
The Future of Sustainability Standards 16
energy conservation environmentsafetysecuritydurabilityaccessibilitycost-benefitproductivitysustainabilityfunctionality operational considerations Two Federal laws: a building that integrates and optimizes on a life cycle basis all major high performance attributes 17
High Performance Buildings Council – High-performance buildings, which address human, environmental, economic and total societal impact, are the result of the application of the highest level design, construction, operation and maintenance principles—a paradigm change for the built environment 18
Development of Building Performance Measurement Protocols (ASHRAE Special Project 115) In collaboration with CIBSE, IESNA, EPA, NREL, BOMA, ULI, and USGBC Purpose: to provide protocols for the performance measurement of occupied commercial buildings
Development of Building Performance Measurement Protocols (ASHRAE Special Project 115) Addresses – Energy use – IEQ (thermal comfort, indoor air quality, lighting, acoustics) – Water use Applies to all forms of energy (electricity, gas, oil, district heating & cooling, renewables) Cost and resource information discussed in each chapter as well
Standard 90.1 Building Energy Benchmarks (ASHRAE Special Project 123) Purpose is to develop a website with EUI (energy utilization index) information based on DOE building types used in their benchmark building input files Working with DOE to develop this site
Sustainability Standards - Future More adoptions of sustainability standards in model codes More local jurisdiction adoptions More required use in federal buildings Owner/Operator demands for solid business case, readily available technology ASHRAE Standards and Advanced Energy Design Guides 22
Sustainability Standards - Future Architecture 2030 More tax incentives More utility rebates partnered with equipment manufacturers – need for timely, simplified system of rebates More standards with broader scopes 23
Sustainability Standards - Future Will have to develop uniform definitions of sustainable, green, and high performance Move toward life-cycle cost analysis versus first cost Development of performance metrics and verification methods Will have to agree on measurement – EUI, etc. 24
Sustainability Standards - Future More integrated design Building information modeling (BIM) Federal government goals Voluntary consensus standards vs. government mandates Increasing stringency of minimum codes Performance over prescriptive-based standards 25
Sustainability Standards - Future Performance goals, metrics, and standards go hand- in-hand In addition to, or despite all, the energy, we recognize that we need to redefine building performance beyond energy, beyond green 26
Where to Learn More and How to Keep Up 27
How to Get Involved in ASHRAE Standards Development Submit a change proposal ( Recommend a new standard or guideline ( Sign up for the ASHRAE Standards Action List Server ( Visit the project committee website (if applicable) (
High Performance Buildings Database Share successes and lessons learned about projects Public database Actual Energy Information FEMP, USGBC, AIA, DOE all have “front ends”
References ReferenceWeb site High Performing Buildings Magazinehttp:// Standards - generalhttp:// Standards - project web siteshttp:// Engineering for Sustainabilityhttp:// Advanced Energy Design Guides (free download) Certificationhttp:// Educationhttp:// Special Projectshttp:// Net Zero Energy Buildings Conferencehttp:// Government Affairs Updatehttp:// American National Standards Global Standards Search Standards Action newsletterhttp:// tandards_action/standards_action.aspx?menuid=7 30
References ReferenceWeb site National Institute of Building High Performance Buildings Councilhttp:// Whole Building Design Guidehttp:// Department of Energy – Energy Efficiency & Renewable Energy High Performance Commercial Building Energy Alliances Building Energy Codes Traininghttp:// CoStar Green European (EN) Standards and EU Directorate-General for Energy and Transport ml Environmental Protection Agency – Energy Starhttp:// 31
Thank You! 32 For more information, contact me: Claire Ramspeck ASHRAE 1791 Tullie Circle NE Atlanta, Georgia 30329