1 Harvard Referencing
2 Demonstrate use of the Harvard system of referencing. – The Why, What, How of referencing. Understand the guidelines for the submission of written work. Harvard Referencing
3 Quote from the Student Handbook: “A reference list must be provided, using the Harvard referencing system” DoHS student handbook 2001/2002 Appendix G page 45. Harvard Referencing
4 Why? Acknowledge debts to other writers. Demonstrate the body of knowledge upon which your assignment is based. Enable the reader(s) to locate your sources easily.
5 Harvard Referencing Conventions What ? Citing/Citation The way that (you) the writer refer to texts that you wish to include in your work – example to follow. Can also be all of the information retrieved from a bibliographical database search. References an alphabetical list describing each source that you have used. Bibliography a list of material you have used for information or inspiration but have not referred to directly in the text.
6 A paraphrase is... your own rendition of essential information and ideas expressed by someone else, presented in a new form. one legitimate way (when accompanied by accurate documentation) to borrow from a source. a more detailed restatement than a summary, which focuses concisely on a single main idea.
7 Method of citation Mention author(s) Date of publication Cole and Kelsey (2003) conclude that…. According to Cole (2001 p 25) ‘the evidence suggests these systems will not continue unless……’
8 Harvard Referencing Conventions How ? London: Book Reference: Author(s),.(Date)Title.Edition.Place:Publisher. Nicklin, P., and Kenworthy, N. eds.,(2000) Teaching and Assessing in Nursing Practice.3rd ed. Baillière Tindall. Journal Reference: Nicklin, P.(2001)Safety Conscious. Health Management.5 (5),24-25.
9 Harvard Referencing Conventions prepare citation in text (check spelling and date!) Write the reference (or a prompt note) and insert (alphabetically) into reference page when ‘proof reading’ check each citation in the reference list keep your references for ‘re-cycling’ How to do it
10 Referencing Exercise See exercises on : rence13.htmelearning.tafe.tas.edu.au/library/referencing/refe rence13.htm