groping... … and reaching recognition - feedback result of communication... contact eXchange dialogue sender receiver filling up the created structure with more content creating…
one element of in-formation
moment-to- moment one moment of in-formation whole structures: overall message appearance- impression archaic architecture... sections grouped moments
modernist architecture…
more variation becomes possible …
post- modern…
anarchy ??
relative hierarchy
sources: Mary O‘Donnell: lectures at Dance Unlimited, Arnhem (Netherlands) M. O‘Donnell: Open Form Composition. Report Bristol Workshop Bristol%20wrkshp2008.pdf Bristol%20wrkshp2008.pdf Iannis Xenakis: „...the sonorities of the orchestra are building materials, like brick, stone and wood...“ from Hoffmann, "Iannis Xenakis," The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, p quote from article by Markos Zografos “Iannis Xenakis. The aesthetics of his early works”: