Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Bioethanol Process DIMAANO, Roy Albert PEREZ, Abraham REYES, Mark Knel ChE GH
Powerpoint Templates Page 2 INTRODUCTION What is Bioethanol? bioethanol is a clear, colourless liquid that can be produced by fermentation of any source of sugar or starch The most common resources of sugar are sugar cane, corn, wheat and sugar beet Source: Bionett
Powerpoint Templates Page 3 INTRODUCTION What is Bioethanol? Bioethanol can be used in its pure or hydrous form in dedicated vehicles, or as an anhydrous bioethanol petrol blend Common percentages of blends are E10 and E85. And reports said that the use of pure bioethanol can reduce the life cycle greenhouse gas by 20 – 100% Source: Bionett
Powerpoint Templates Page 4 INTRODUCTION Ethanol fuel in the Philippines The Philippines Biofuels Act 2006 requires oil companies to use biofuels in all "liquid fuels for motors and engines sold in the Philippines." All gasoline sold in the country must contain at least 5 percent ethanol by February 2009, and by 2011, the mandated blend can go up to 10 percent. Source:wikipedia.org
Powerpoint Templates Page 5 INTRODUCTION Ethanol fuel in the Philippines Four feedstocks in the country: sugarcane, corn, cassava and sweet sorghum In the Philippines, sugar is the most abundant source for bioethanol production Source: wikipedia.org
Powerpoint Templates Page 6 INTRODUCTION Ethanol fuel in the Philippines The province of the Philippines where sugar is most abundant are: Negros, Luzon, Panay and Mindanao. hectares of land of sugarcane can be used for ethanol production available. Source: wikipedia.org
Powerpoint Templates Page 7 INTRODUCTION
Powerpoint Templates Page 8 INTRODUCTION Bioethanol production has been established in different parts of the globe. Several developments are also emerging when it comes to innovation of the process of production. However, plant wide control is still lacking in several bioethanol producing plant. A plant wide control is proposed by Ochoa, et al (2010) and the main principal objective is to have maximum profit and cost effective process Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 9 INTRODUCTION According to them, the plant wide control can be categorized into four different architectures namely as: decentralized, distributed, single layer and multi-layer architectures Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 10 INTRODUCTION Decentralized Architecture Usually composed of PID loops in which individual controllers are used to regulate or control each output variable by manipulation of the manipulating variable. The control system has several controllers for each operations and these controllers are independent of each other and act as “isolated entities” Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 11 INTRODUCTION Decentralized Architecture Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 12 INTRODUCTION Distributed Architecture In this architecture, the use of a model predictive control (MPC) is utilized Each operation uses at least one model predictive control in charge of controlling the output by manipulating the input variables Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 13 INTRODUCTION Distributed Architecture Multiple MPC of controlling the output by manipulating the input variables Multiple MPC does not work independently of each other, they exchange some information between them Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 14 INTRODUCTION Distributed Architecture Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 15 INTRODUCTION Single Layer Architecture Centralized structure in which manipulating variables corresponds to the set of decision variables that minimize or maximize a given objective function Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 16 INTRODUCTION Single Layer Architecture Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 17 INTRODUCTION Multi-Layer Architecture Multi-layer case control is divided into multi-layer architecture with coordination and without coordination Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 18 INTRODUCTION Multi-Layer Architecture Composed of optimization layer which computes the optimal set point values for the set of controlled variables that minimizes the economic type objective function and a control layer which is responsible for tracking these optimal values from RTO layer minimizing the performance type objective function Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 19 INTRODUCTION Multi-Layer Architecture Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 20 INTRODUCTION Plant Wide Optimizing Control Available manipulated variable in the process are used for achieving maximum profitability objective function Key to PWOC is input-output pairing is avoided because the output actually controlled in the process is the plantwide profitability and the available manipulated variables are simultaneously used for satisfying that purpose Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 21 INTRODUCTION Plant Wide Optimizing Control Ochoa, et al (2010) proposed six main stages in the optimization of plant wide control Stage 1: identification of necessary control loops Other consideration rather than the maximum profit should be taken into account. It may also include safe operation, equipment and environmental protection. The performances of these other factors should be checked first by local control loops Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 22 INTRODUCTION Plant Wide Optimizing Control Stage 2: classification of manipulated variables Manipulated variables should be identified in every operations in the plant Plant wide manipulated variables are those variables used for maximizing the plant wide profitability objective Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 23 INTRODUCTION Plant Wide Optimizing Control Stage 3 : Design of local control strategies After identification of the different control loops, and variables associated with it, the design of local loops is done Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 24 INTRODUCTION Plant Wide Optimizing Control Stage 4 : Statement of Plant wide profitability function It contain terms related to productivity of the process, efficiency, raw materials and products costs, energy consumption. Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 25 INTRODUCTION Plant Wide Optimizing Control Stage 5 : Design of the optimization based control strategy Optimization can be done by applying single layer or multi layer architecture control without coordination Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 26 INTRODUCTION Plant Wide Optimizing Control Stage 5 : Design of the optimization based control strategy Main difference of the approaches is that in a single layer, set of input variables applied to the real plant are given by the optimization layer and for two layer, inputs applied to the real plant are calculated by control layer that uses the set points Source: Ochoa, et (2010)
Powerpoint Templates Page 27 INTRODUCTION Plant Wide Optimizing Control Stage 6: Dynamic Real Time Optimization Optimization in real time Source: Ochoa, et (2010)