Impact case study IHSE (NHS staff survey)
Historical background Data collected research based at Aston University which included Michael West, Jeremy Dawson, Matthew Carter and Judy Scully Fieldwork was between October to December each year, and was conducted (by Aston) between 2003 and 2010 Designed to replace three surveys: a) Commission for Health Improvement (CHI) – Clinical Governance Review (CGR) survey (designed and conducted by Aston in 2001/02) b) Department of Health (DH) – 10 questions c) Staff surveys designed by individual trusts (often poorly designed) Based on a theoretical model developed by Michael West and Susan Michie which included elements from CGR survey, review of other surveys etc.
Michie & West (2004) IJMR
Impact – local level Each participating organisation received a detailed feedback report from Aston, which benchmarked on various Key Scores/Findings against organisations of a similar type This could be used to identify areas where the trust was performing well or badly and could provide focus for action planning or staff involvement Examples: South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust -Created a ‘staff charter’ following feedback received from staff from the staff surveys and consultations through various communication mechanisms, working in partnership with staffside reps. -Additional work conducted between surveys on issues identified by the survey for particular groups / departments Similar things at Knowsley PCT, University College London Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust Impact case will illustrate examples of trusts which have conducted local level activities resulting from the staff survey
Impact – national level Data collected from the staff survey has used by the healthcare regulation (CHI / HC / CQC) to monitor standards (either Annual Health Check or Periodic Review from 2009/10) CQC also used staff survey data as part of any investigations (e.g. South Staffordshire & Shropshire NHS Foundation Trust) Historically data from the staff survey has been used by other stakeholders such as: DH – National Operating Framework (‘virtal signs’) uses staff job satisfaction and Pay Review Bodies (e.g. for doctors) to inform recommendations NHS Security Management Service (SMS) – questions around violence and harassment National Patient Safety Association (NPSA) – questions around errors and incidents Health and Safety Executive (HSE) – trusts can use data from the staff survey as part of its annual stress audit for the HSE NHS employers / Social Partnership Forum – to inform work around staff engagement Impact case will give examples of where data has been used at a national level
Impact Questionnaire also included a measure of Staff Engagement (designed by Aston) at request of DH / NHS Employers / Social Partnership Forum Information used by NHS Employers as part of initiative to promote Staff Engagement and lead to development of a ‘Staff Engagement Toolkit’ which includes: Help in preparing an engagement strategy Business case for staff engagement Tips, tools and resources for promoting staff engagement This is supported by additional analysis conducted by Aston researchers (e.g. Jeremy Dawson and Anna Topakas) which examined staff engagement and various outcomes. Staff engagement associated with… Higher patient satisfaction Lower patient mortality Lower staff absenteeism Better CQC rated performance in Periodic Review (quality of services / financial management)
Impact Data also used as part of the The Boorman Review of Health and well-being in the NHS Researchers from Aston, The Work Foundation and RAND produced A Benefit Evaluation Model which showed management practices (e.g. job design, teamworking etc.) and health and well-being status was related to: Higher patient satisfaction Lower infection rates (MRSA / cdiff rates) Better CQC rated performance in Periodic Review (quality of services / financial management) Lower staff absenteeism Lower staff turnover Lower expenditure on agency staff This model also calculate the financial costs of such outcomes Impact case will give examples of where data has been to support and promote DH initatives
Other uses Data collected from the staff survey has also been used for other DH funded research projects 1. Team-based working in the NHS Data used to identify trusts which displayed high and low levels of team-based working for a qualitative study. This also lead to the development of new measure by Joanne Lyubovnikova and which is now being used as a diagnostic tool by AOD (Aston spin-out) for trusts which have implemented team-based working initiatives 2. Quality and Safety in the NHS Data used to map changes in the NHS between 2009 and 2011 (pre- and post- Liberating the NHS Govt White Paper)