Talent 21 Project 2012 Social Studies How did Humans Directly Impact their environment?
Introduction For Talent 21 this year, Im doing a Presentaition on 8 different ( Time Periods,with humans and how they impacted the environment ) After Glacier Age, Early Man, Early Farmers, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. This will explains how they impacted the environment and why.
After Glacier Age Animals attacked ( or ate ) other animals. Over- Grazing Couldn’t Reproduce Heavy, Bulky, Couldn’t Travel Fast, could knock down stuff (animals).
Early Man Starting fires ( They Could Not watch the fire and could spread – used trees) Made animals extinct (they Hunted Them) Over hunting – (early man could over hunt and not have enough food for the next day)
Early Farmers Irrigation the systems could corrupt. Digging to deep could hit systems Over Watering they could over water and the plants could die. Plow
Mesopotamia Mud Brick they used dirt and water to make bricks for their houses Agriculture the irrigation systems Craft Workers ( Taking Natural Resources to make jewelry) Trading
Egypt Trading- Making Boats (with Trees) Making and build with mud bricks Hunting Making Tools and Weapons Civil War – Destroying the habitat while fighting Making Papyrus can destroy the plant
Greece They can make weapons for the Olympics. Cultural Borrowing Different Kinds Of Wars
Rome Building Different Empires Digging For Farming and construction ( plows ). Water Wells Making The Roads Making the Boats and sails.
Conclusion Have you learned anything now? In ancient times humans impacted the environment, (not so bad though). In their time period they didn’t know what to do right or wrong with the environment. That’s why they had irrrigation, the plow, and Building (mud bricks).