Early Colonies Locations and Characteristics
Roanoke Island (1587) The Lost Colony Roanoke Island was England’s first attempt at creating a colony. Their motivation for establishing the colony was economical. They wanted to find gold and other natural resources to send back to England. John White was the leader of the new colony. When they ran out of food and supplies John White had to sail back to England. He left the other settlers behind at Roanoke Island. After he returned to Roanoke Island 3 years later all of the settlers were gone. All he found were the words “CROATAN” carved in to a tree. To this day, nobody knows what happened to the settlers. Video on Lost Colony of Roanoke
Settled by : __________________ (English Settlers / Pilgrims) Motivation: __________________ (economic / religious) freedom Roanoke Island (1587) The Lost Colony
Jamestown (1607) The 1 st Successful Colony Explorers had been landing in America for some time before English settlers arrived in what is now Jamestown, Virginia, in But it was in that spot on the James River that English colonization began and with it, the history of America. James I was king of England at that time, and he had granted approval for a group of businesspeople to settle in this new land. They were part of the Virginia Company, and they got the go-ahead in By December of that year, the expedition was ready. In all, 214 people set sail for America. They reached it on May 14, Very soon after they landed, the English found themselves under attack from Algonquins, a Native American tribe who had been living in that area for some time and who didn't exactly welcome new settlers. The English managed to drive off the attackers, who came back every now and then. The English, however, were there to stay. Under the leadership of Captain John Smith, the English built a fort and other buildings designed to protect their new colony. They also found friendly Native Americans, like Powhatan, who was willing to trade with them.John Smith Jamestown Video
Jamestown (1607) The 1 st Successful Colony
Settled by : __________________ (English Settlers / Pilgrims) Motivation: __________________ (economic / religious) freedom Jamestown(1607) The First Successful Colony
Plymouth(1620) – First religious colony Colony founded by the Pilgrims at Plymouth, Massachusetts, in December, Many of the 102 passengers who sailed from England aboard the Mayflower died. The survivors formed the Plymouth Colony. They faced great hardship but made friends with neighboring Native Americans. Among the leaders of the Plymouth Colony were William Bradford, John Carver, William Brewster, and Miles Standish. Video on Plymouth ColonyVideo on Plymouth Colony
Settled by : __________________ (English Settlers / Pilgrims) Motivation: __________________ (economic / religious) freedom Plymouth(1620) The First Successful Colony
Massachusetts Bay colony What do you notice about the way that the colonists are dressed?
Massachusetts Bay colony Motivation – ______________ (Religious / Economic) Freedom Settled by _________________ (English settlers / Puritans / Pilgrims)
Massachusetts Bay colony Motivation – ______________ (Religious / Economic) Freedom Settled by _________________ (English settlers / Puritans / Quakers )
Settled by : Debtors – people who were in jail in England because they didn’t have enough money. Motivation – religious freedom