TECHNOLOGY GUIDE OUTLINE TG4.1 Introduction to Intelligent Systems TG4.2 Expert Systems TG4.3 Neural Networks TG4.4 Fuzzy Logic TG4.5 Genetic Algorithms TG4.6 Intelligent Agents
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 1. Differentiate between artificial intelligence and human intelligence. 2. Define expert systems, and provide examples of their use. 3. Define neural networks, and provide examples of their use. 4. Define fuzzy logic, and provide examples of its use.
LEARNING OBJECTIVES (continued) 5. Define genetic algorithms, and provide examples of their use. 6. Define intelligent agents, and provide examples of their use.
TG4.1 Introduction to Intelligent Systems Intelligent systems Artificial intelligence (AI) © Luis Alonso Ocana/Age Fotostock America, Inc.
TG 4.2 Expert Systems Expertise Expert systems (ESs)
Expertise Transfer from Human to Computer Knowledge acquisition Knowledge representation Knowledge inferencing Knowledge transfer
The Components of Expert Systems Knowledge base Inference engine User interface Blackboard Explanation subsystem
TG4.3 Neural Network
TG 4.5 Genetic Algorithms Genetic algorithms have three functional characteristics: Selection Crossover: Mutation:
TG 4.6 Intelligent Agents Information Agents Monitoring-and-Surveillance Agents User Agents