Neil Dankoff Meagan Roge
About Neil Neil Dankoff is a Canadian Photographer who was born and raised in Montreal, Quebec. Dankoff mainly uses a Medium format digital camera. He graduated with a degree in Film and Communications from McGill University in Montréal. After he graduated he didn't realize he wanted to make a career out of Photography until later in life. A lot of information about Dankoff is unknown. He is a new / up in coming Photographer who looks to be very secretive with the information he shares about himself and his family.
Awards and Accomplishments Opened The Kandy Gallery in Montreal Neil is one of the winners of The Culture Trip’s Canada Local Favorite 2015 Award. He founded Reaction Studio, a photography / video business in 2002.
Facts and Information Using a medium format digital camera, Neil creates unique panoramic landscape shots by layering multiple images at varying exposures. Dankoff has travelled extensively for this photography, including trips to Italy, Israel, Switzerland and Africa.
When did you know you wanted to be a photographer? Where did you receive your training? -Isabelle Pitman "Even as a young boy, I remember thinking that a camera was one of the most incredible inventions. It is almost magical in it’s ability to freeze time, to capture a moment forever. I am self-taught, partially through books and available information on the Internet, but mostly through trial and tribulation” – Neil Dankoff
What fuels your creativity? - Isabelle Pitman “It’s a mild addiction. It’s not as if every photo is a winner, far from it. It is very much a hit and miss scenario; however, when you do get that photograph close to the way you envisioned it months earlier… few experiences provide that kind of satisfaction.” – Neil Dankoff
"My favorite time to shoot is 20 minutes before sunrise. I truly love those moments when I’m set up in the dark waiting to see what happens. It all comes down to the clouds as they control the light." - Niel Dankoff
Camp Video m28s m28s
Bibliography "Meet Neil Dankoff, Canada's Epic Travel Photographer." The Culture Trip. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan "Neil Dankoff Panoramic Photography - HOME." Neil Dankoff Panoramic Photography - HOME. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan "Neil Dankoff | Lonsdale Gallery." Lonsdale Gallery. N.p., n.d. Web. 12 Jan "Above Camp Tamakwa, Algonquin Park, Canada." YouTube. YouTube, 6 Oct Web. 12 Jan