Having a Smear Test Version 5 – Sept 2013 Information Pack for Women with a Learning Disability
Section 1 What is a Smear Test and Why Do We Have Them? Version 5 – Sept 2013
Who Has Smear Tests? All women between the ages of 25 and 64 are invited The invitations are sent out every 3 years for women aged 25 – 49 years The invitations are sent out every 5 years for women aged 50 – 64 years Women who have never had sex can still have a smear test Section 1 - Page 1
Why Do We Have Smear Tests? It’s a test to check the health of your cervix The test looks for changes in the cells on your cervix that may become cancer The cells are taken from your cervix and sent to the laboratory for testing Section 1 - Page 2
What Are Cells? Cells are what our bodies are made up of They are so small you cannot see them unless you look down a special instrument called a microscope Section 1 - Page 3
Your Body - The Vagina It’s where the blood comes from when you have your period It’s a small opening between your legs It’s where the man puts his penis when you have sex Google images 2006 Section 1 - Page 4
Your Body - The Cervix The cervix is sometimes called the neck of the womb Its inside you at the top of the vagina Section 1 - Page 5
How Does The Nurse See My Cervix? The nurse uses a speculum Its put inside your vagina Section 1 - Page 6
How Does The Nurse Take The Cells ? Cells are taken by wiping a soft brush on your cervix They are sent to the laboratory in a pot Section 1 - Page 7
Cervical Cancer If abnormal cells are found on your cervix they can be treated if they need to be You can not see the changes in the cells and will not have symptoms Section 1 - Page 8
Cervical Cancer Having a smear test can find out changes before you have any symptoms Having a smear test reduces your risk of getting cancer, but does not always find out if something is wrong Section 1 - Page 9
What is Cancer? Cancer is a very serious illness which gets worse if not treated Some people who get cancer die NOT all people die some get better There are different types of cancer Section 1 - Page 10
Some Important Reasons for Having a Smear Test If you have had sex and haven’t used condoms If you smoke Google images 2006 Section 1 - Page 11
What if I Decide Not to have a Smear Test? It is very important to go and see your doctor if you develop any unusual symptoms - bleeding between your periods - very heavy bleeding Section 1 - Page 12
What if I Decide Not to have a Smear Test? It is very important to see your doctor if you develop any unusual symptoms - unusual or smelly discharge from your vagina - pain in your lower abdomen Section 1 - Page 13
Section 2 Preparing for a Smear Test Version 5 – Sept 2013
Preparing for your smear test You will get your invitation letter and a leaflet by post when your smear test is due Section 2 - Page 1
Your Invitation When you get your letter you can decide if you want to go for a test YES NO Section 2 - Page 2
Your Invitation If you’re not sure what to do, talk to a friend, your nurse, your support worker or your doctor Section 2 - Page 3
Where Can I Go for My Smear? You can choose where you go Your doctors surgery to see the doctor or Practice Nurse Sexual Health Clinic Section 2 - Page 4
My Smear You can arrange a visit to talk about the smear before you book an appointment to have the test done Section 2 - Page 5
Who Can Come With Me? You can take a friend, relative, nurse or support worker with you Section 2 - Page 6
I Feel Embarrassed! It is natural to feel a bit embarrassed when you go for a smear test – its OK. It may help to talk about it with someone you trust Section 2 - Page 7
I Feel Nervous! You may feel nervous about having a smear test Talk to people you trust Visit where you will go for your smear Meet the person who will do your smear Take someone with you Section 2 - Page 8
What Will Help Me Relax? You might want to think about what will help you relax:- - relaxing music - essential oils - plan a treat afterwards Section 2 - Page 9
What if I Decide Not to have a Smear Test? You may decide you do not want a smear test now You will get a reminder letter in 6 months time in case you change your mind Section 2 - Page 10
What if I Decide Not to have a Smear Test? It is very important to go and see your doctor if you develop any unusual symptoms - bleeding between your periods - very heavy bleeding Section 2 - Page 11
What if I Decide Not to have a Smear Test? It is very important to see your doctor if you develop any unusual symptoms - unusual or smelly discharge from your vagina - pain in your lower abdomen Section 2 - Page 12
Section 3 Going for a Visit Before Your Smear Test Version 5 – Sept 2013
Going for a Visit Arrange an appointment with the person who will do your smear test Section 3 - Page 1
Your Visit You can look around the surgery at the waiting rooms and nurses room Section 3 - Page 2
Your Visit You will see the bed that you lie on Section 3 - Page 3
Your Visit You can look at the equipment used Section 3 - Page 4
Your Visit You can talk to the nurse Section 3 - Page 5
Your Visit You can ask for a nurse or doctor to do your test Section 3 - Page 6
Your Visit You can talk about the most comfortable position for you and any special requests, like relaxing music Section 3 - Page 7
When Should I Go for My Smear? The best time to go for your smear test is at least a week after your period ends Section 3 - Page 8
Section 4 Going for Your Smear Test Version 5 – Sept 2013
Going for Your Smear Remember to take someone with you if you want to Section 4 - Page 1
What Should I Wear? Its easier if you wear a skirt But you can wear trousers Section 4 - Page 2
What Should I Wear? Its best to wear clean knickers Section 4 - Page 3
What Do I Do When I Get To The Surgery? Tell the receptionist you have arrived Section 4 - Page 4
What Do I Do When I Get To The Surgery? Sit and wait in the waiting room until the nurse calls you in Section 4 - Page 5
What Happens Next? The nurse or doctor will call you into their room They will make the room private by drawing the curtains or locking the door Section 4 - Page 6
What will the Nurse ask me? The nurse will sit and talk to you first She will ask you a few questions She will ask when your last period was Section 4 - Page 7
Going for Your Smear REMEMBER! You can change your mind at any time YES NO Section 4 - Page 8
Going for Your Smear The nurse will ask you to take your knickers off and lie on the bed She will put a sheet over you Section 4 - Page 9
Going for Your Smear The nurse will ask you to lie with your legs apart Section 4 - Page 10
Going for Your Smear The nurse will put some gloves on and turn a special light on Section 4 - Page 11
What Should I Do? Try not to tense up Stay calm and relaxed Thinking of something relaxing may help Section 4 - Page 12
Having Your Smear When you feel comfortable the nurse will gently put the speculum inside your vagina Section 4 - Page 13
Having Your Smear The speculum is opened up very gently She will take cells using a soft brush Section 4 - Page 14
Having Your Smear It may feel a bit uncomfortable for a short while but not painful Try to stay relaxed Section 4 - Page 15
Having Your Smear If you want the test to STOP at any time tell the nurse Section 4 - Page 16
What Happens When the Smear is Done? When the test is done the nurse gently takes the speculum out You can wipe yourself with some tissues and put your pants on. Its all over!! Section 4 - Page 17
What Happens When the Smear Test is Done? Sometimes you may notice a very small amount of bleeding Its quite normal. Don’t worry Section 4 - Page 18
What Happens to My Smear Test? The cells are sent to the laboratory in a pot They will be examined under a microscope Section 4 - Page 19
Section 5 After Your Smear Test Version 5 – Sept 2013
When Will I get My Result? You will get a letter with the results It can be about 4 – 6 weeks after your smear test Section 5 - Page 1
When Do I Have Another Smear Test? If your result is normal you will be invited for another smear test in:- –3 years time if you are aged between 25 – 49 years –5 years time if you are aged between 50 – 64 years Section 5 - Page 2
When Do I Have Another Smear Test? The letter may say the test needs doing again because :- –not enough cells were taken OR –the test found some abnormal cells and you will need another smear in a few months The letter may say you need another sort of examination that has to be done at the hospital and you will be given an appointment. Section 5 - Page 3
After Your Smear Test A smear test does not always find if something is wrong It is very important to tell your doctor if you have any unusual bleeding between your periods, any unusual discharge or pain Section 5 - Page 4