Fourth Grade Iroquois Six Nations OPAC practice
The Dewey Decimal System was created to …. 1.Help catalog non- fiction books. 2.To classify books into ten categories for easier access. 3.Sort books according to author.
The letter J at the top of the call number tells us to look in…. 1.the elementary library section. 2.the juvenile library section 3.the high school library section.
Call numbers help us… 1.identify who illustrated the book. 2.locate a book on the shelf. 3.always include a number.
Where would I find a book with a call number E F MAR 1.elementary nonfiction section 2.juvenile fiction section. 3.elementary fiction section.
Where would I find a book with the call number J SNE 1.Elementary fiction section. 2.Elementary non- fiction section 3.Juvenile non- fiction section.
Author, Title, Series and subject are all types of… 1.internet cites to search. 2.OPAC searches. 3.books to read.
Non-fiction books are… 1.books that are real or true. 2.books that are not real or true. 3.books that are about elves and fairies.
Historical fiction books are about … 1.made up stories with historical background and events. 2.books that tell about specific peoples lives. 3.books about how the earth was created.
The Indian In The Cupboard is a … 1.realistic fiction story. 2.biography. 3.historical fiction story.
The Indian in the Cupboard video showed … 1.examples of how Native Americans live today. 2.examples of Native American housing. 3.examples of Native American storytelling.