Storyboard Robotics: Autodesk Design Team Members: Ariana Lopez, Anthony Radizunas, Erica Jones, Tatiana Martin, & Rawan Elshamsy
Entry 1 : September 30 th, 2014 Today Anthony & Tatiana worked together to build the Probot & Tumbler; Step # 23 of VEX ROBOTICS: Design System. Rawan is taking pictures of our work, Ariana is assisting, & Erica is recording notes. We have received the Login Information from Khadesia (T.A.) for the website (weebly).
Entry 2: October 2 nd, 2014 Today Anthony & Tatiana are building and are on Step # 32 of VEX ROBOTICS: Design System. Rawan is recording notes and finding materials for Tatiana & Anthony. Rawan is also taking pictures. Erica & Ariana are on the website uploading the pictures Rawan had taken and are writing other information on our Team.
Entry 3: October 6 th, 2014 Anthony is tweaking the mistakes made in the robot. Erica & Ariana are working on the website (weebly). Tatiana is also working on the robot alongside Anthony. Rawan’s taking down notes, taking pictures, and getting any needed materials. Our group had an issue with the wheels wiggling and now are trying to figure out where to put the limit switch.
Entry 4: October 8 th, 2014 Anthony is fixing the servo molecule that Tatiana broke the previous class. Rawan is writing notes on what everyone is doing while taking pictures. Ariana and Erica updated website and joined group afterwards for building. The robot is almost complete. Anthony and Ariana will program robot next class. We are trying to determine the problem of why the servo molecule won’t work. PROBLEM SOLVED: We put the broken motor back on the robot accidently, changing more to a new one now.
Entry 5: October 10 th, 2014 Anthony is fixing the issue with the wheels because they were not attached correctly. Tatiana is helping Anthony and checking in on Erica and Ariana. Rawan has stepped in to repair the loose wheel. Anthony is currently attaching the battery pack.
Entry 6: October 15 th, 2014 Today our Design Autodesk Group and VEX Group took notes from a PowerPoint made by our teacher, Dr. Didacus Oparoacha. The PowerPoint will also be submitted on the class website for reviewing purposes.
Part 1 of Entry 7: October 17 th, 2014 Today Erica and Tatiana were missing because of the fishing trip. Rawan, Ariana, and Anthony worked on finishing the robot. Ariana took notes while Rawan and Anthony attached the battery pack along with the motor and limit switch to the brain of the robot. Anthony and Rawan are fixing an issue with the motors (instead of using two-wire motors, the servo modules took their place.
Part 2 of Entry 7: October 17 th, 2014 Anthony found out that we also have to replace one of the 2 inch shafts since some are bent and are causing a problem with the wheels. We are now finding many problems with our robot and have to disassemble it. This is causing a major delay in the building & programming process.
Part 1 Entry 8: October 21 st, 2014 Ariana is taking notes, Erica is updating the website, and Tatiana, Anthony, and Rawan are rebuilding the robot. Tatiana is also taking attendance; everyone was here today. Rawan’s taking pictures. Anthony is connecting the base which connects the wheels to the robot. Daisy, our mentor, is supervising our team. Rawan’s attaching the wheels to both sides and getting materials needed.
Part 2 Entry 8: October 21 st, 2014 Tatiana is writing her Chief’s Log while Erica does research on VEX competitions, since there are none for Autodesk. Now both Rawan and Anthony are searching for parts to replace other parts that have disappeared. After finding some of the replacement parts, Anthony and Rawan have restarted to build. Rawan is still attaching the wheels while Anthony & Ariana are learning how to program.
Entry 9: October 23 rd, 2014 Tatiana is taking pictures, taking attendance, and writing her Chief’s Log. Ariana is taking notes while Anthony is doing the electrical wiring with Tatiana. Daisy is supervising our work. Rawan is out sick. Electrical wiring is finished and Anthony is now programming. Tatiana has attached the battery pack and wired it. Erica has just finished drawing posters for our teacher about this course.
References Website Page: Booklet With Instructions: VEX ROBOTICS: Design System.