WHY DO WE USE APR? About/Point/Response is a reading strategy that helps us get to the HEART of the text. It helps us think about: What the text is ABOUT? What is the POINT of the text? What is our personal RESPONSE to what we have read? If we can answer all three of those questions, we SHOULD be able to really understand what we have read.
WHEN DO WE USE APR? Readers should use the APR strategy when they are reading something challenging. If the text is doing more than JUST INFORMING you about a topic, it might be helpful to dig DEEPER into the text using the APR strategy.
WHAT DOES THE APR STRATEGY LOOK LIKE? AboutPointResponse In this column, you write about what the article is ABOUT. If it is about the pros and cons of technology in the classroom, you could write bullets listing key information. What is the POINT of the text? Is its goal to persuade you and other students to bring your devices daily and use them to delve deeper into your school work? What is your personal RESPONSE to the text? What are your thoughts, reactions, feelings, or concerns?
TIME TO PRACTICE! Please get out a highlighter and a colored pen/pencil. You are going to read an article with your group. As you read, highlight the key information (just like we have practiced all year). Once you have read your article, we will complete the APR chart together.
AboutPointResponse Robotic surgery is occurring now. There are three main types: completely robotic, surgeon controls robots arm, relies more on surgeon. Pros and cons to robotic surgery To inform the reader about what is occurring in the field of robotic surgery. The author believes that the strides made in this field of medicine is great, but there are still improvements that need to be made. I am fearful of a robot having total control during surgery. So much can go wrong; I would want a human being there to trouble shoot in case an issue arises. I am glad technology is advancing, but leery about the effects it could have on medical costs. “The Future of Medicine is Now” APR Chart