The Political and Economic Structures of the West
Refers to Institutions or groups and their relationship to each other The patterns of interaction within a political system Key political laws, regulations, and norms that when put together establish the foundation or landscape of a given political entity The types of government and the bureaucratic elements that it creates
There are many types of political structures throughout the world today. These structures are based on the political systems of the given nation. In Europe, the political systems you will need to know about are Parliamentary system Semi-Presidential government
What is a parliamentary system? What is meant by semi-presidential? What types of political structures do you think are involved in each of these types of government? Hint: think of the different parts of bureaucracies
Refer to All the different economic activities that occur in the geopolitical area, or in our case, the nation. What are some different types of economic activities? What effect, if any, does the type of government have on the amount and type of economic activities a nation engages in?
Your turn!!
Class will break up into groups of 2 or 3 They will be assigned a country from a given list They will have to research the political and economic structure of their country They will discuss with the class the structures of their assigned country and the implications it has on the way they behave and interact on the global scene
Politics: Constitutional Monarchy Parliamentary Government with a symbolic head of state, the queen Structures: 1. Northern Ireland Office 1. Responsible for the national security and protection of rights of people in Northern Ireland Economics tructures 1. SEEDA (South East England Development Agency) 1. Works towards attracting inward investment to help businesses in the region reach their full potential
Politics: Republic Semi-Presidential government Parliament and President Structures: 1. General Directorate for External Security 1. The military’s external intelligence agency Economics Structures: 1. Ubifrance 1. French Agency for International Business Development
Politics: Republic Parliamentary form of government Structures: 1. Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution 1. Domestic Intelligence Agency who gathers intelligence on threats against the democratic order and the federation Economics Structures: 1. Federal Network Agency 1. Federal Ministry of Economics and technology
Politics: Constitutional Monarchy Parliamentary government with a symbolic head of state, the king Structures: 1. Customs Surveillance Service 1. Spanish Customs police who patrol and maintain the nation’s borders Economics Structures: 1. Agricultural Research For Development 1. Gathers information relating to poverty alleviation, gender equality, and economic development
Politics: Republic Parliamentary form of governmetn Structures: 1. SIRP (Intelligence System of the Portuguese Republic) 1. Coordinating body of the two intelligence agencies of Portugal Security Intelligence Service Defense Strategic Intelligence Service Economics Structures: 1. Aquas de Portugal 1. National Water provider of Poland
Politics: Republic Parliamentary form of government Structure: 1. Ministry of Defense in Poland 1. Provides for the national defense of Polish from foreign threats Economics Structure: 1. Polish Information and Foreign Investment Agency 1. Presents opportunities to develop business through direct investment and capital commitment.
Politics: Constitutional Monarchy Parliamentary government with a symbolic head, the King Carl XVI Gustaf Structures: 1. Swedish Crime Victim Compensation and Support Authority provides monetary compensation and emotional support to individuals who were victims of a crime and their families Economics Structures 1. Swedish National Institute of Economic Research Responsible for economic analysis and forecasting
Politics: Constitutional Monarchy Parliamentary form of government with a symbolic head, currently Queen Beatrix Structures: 1. Immigration and Naturalization 1. Handles the admission of foreigners into the Netherlands Economics Structures: 1. The Ministry for Economic Affairs, Agriculture, and Innovation 1. Mission is to “promote sustainable economical growth”
Politics: Republic Parliamentary form of government Structures: 1. MFA (Ministry of Foreign Affairs) 1. Its explicit function is the representation and guarding of the interests of Italy concerning its relations with other states and organizations throughout the world Economics Structures: 1. ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and Sustainable Economic Development) 1. Works to Support competitiveness and sustainable development through research and innovationD
How do you think the structures of these nations affect the way the behave on the Global Stage??
Political Structures All the nations discussed are democratic and comprised of some form of a parliamentary government The structures within these nations therefore, are based on values and beliefs we’ve previously discussed. They exist to ensure peace and foster liberties and rights to their people.
How does a nation’s economy affect its interaction with the world?? How does the structures influence or impact their economy?
You will need to know what is meant by political and economic structures of a nation How these structures affect the interactions and behavior of European nations You will need to provide two examples. Pick two nations we discussed Discuss specific political and economic structures And mention how they affect the nation’s global agenda
Using what you’ve learned about the political and economic structures of Europe, write a short one page reflection on the structures of the United States. In this reflection, describe how you think our structures relate to our own global presence.