Www.eu-etics.org INFSOM-RI-026753 The ETICS Service Configuration, Building and Testing Elisabetta Ronchieri, ETICS Project, INFN CNAF.


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Presentation transcript:

INFSOM-RI The ETICS Service Configuration, Building and Testing Elisabetta Ronchieri, ETICS Project, INFN CNAF

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 2 Contents Project GoalsProject Goals AchievementsAchievements Work packages Status SummaryWork packages Status Summary DeliverablesDeliverables INFN ManpowerINFN Manpower INFN testbedINFN testbed

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 3 Project Goals A professionally managed, integrated system of services and resources for running automated builds and test suites for distributed software projectsA professionally managed, integrated system of services and resources for running automated builds and test suites for distributed software projects A repository of packages, test reports and interoperability information that development projects can use to develop, validate and certify their productsA repository of packages, test reports and interoperability information that development projects can use to develop, validate and certify their products A forum where to discuss and promote software quality initiatives and collect common software engineering tools and processes, software configuration information and documentation.A forum where to discuss and promote software quality initiatives and collect common software engineering tools and processes, software configuration information and documentation.

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 44 The ETICS Partners Build system, software configuration, service infrastructure, dissemination, EGEE, gLite, project coord. Software configuration, service infrastructure, dissemination Web portals and tools, quality process, dissemination, DILIGENT Test methods and metrics, unit testing tools, EBIT The Condor batch system, distributed testing tools, service infrastructure, NMI

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 5 Project Structure 5

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 6 What has ETICS delivered? InfrastructureInfrastructure –Three resource sites at CERN, INFN and UoW with more that 150 CPUs and more than 15 platforms CERNINFNUoWCERNINFNUoW ServicesServices –A set of web services and tools for configuring, building and testing software –Web and multiplatform CLI clients –An initial repository of build/test reports and packages reports packagesreports packages Community SupportCommunity Support –Build and test support for more than 10 projects and in particular EGEE (gLite, mpi, GridWay), DILIGENT and OMII-Europe Dissemination and TrainingDissemination and Training –Three major training events (EGEE’06, DILIGENT TCOM, INFN-CNAF) EGEE’06 –A Build &Test Community Group in OGF 6

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 77 The ETICS Timeline Jan 06Jun 06 Dec 06 Kick-off 1 st Review All-hands meeting (Budapest) All-hands meeting (Bologna) April 2006 ETICS Alpha programme started (first gLite components registered) July 2006 ETICS Beta programme started (gLite 3.1 managed only with ETICS), DILIGENT using for testing, OMII- Europe project created February 2007 ETICS Service v1.0 Released September 2006 ETICS Pre-release programme started, first major training event in Geneva Mar 07

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 8 GoalsGoals –To set up and maintain the grid services and computing resources where ETICS testing, integration and validation activities are performed across the resource centres –To set up and maintain the software repository, possibly in collaboration with other resource providers and implement the packages management strategies during build/test execution 8 WP2: Infrastructure and Service Management

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 9 Major AchievementsMajor Achievements –Deployment and maintenance of the three resource sites at CERN, INFN and University of Wisconsin with more than 150 CPUs running a variety of more than 15 different platforms –deliverable D2.1, documented deployment procedures for all ETICS services D2.2, state of services D2.3 D2.1proceduresD2.2D2.1proceduresD2.2 –Set up of the ETICS repository infrastructure and procedures for deploying the ETICS service components 9 WP2: Infrastructure and Service Management

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 10 GoalsGoals –To provide a configuration information schema able to capture the configuration information of software developed by research project and allowing coherent storage of such information in the ETICS database –To provide a configuration, build and integration system based on existing or adapted tools able to perform build/integration tasks to be executed by the ETICS facility –To define metrics in order to evaluate the interoperability, portability and standardization of the software using the ETICS system 10 WP3: Software Configuration Tools and Methodologies

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 11 Major AchievementsMajor Achievements –Definition of a data model to describe configuration information and build/test operation in a secure, multiplatform environment. Implementation in a relational database system (MySQL) –Design and development of a web service to coordinate the work between the database and the various build/test tools and clients –Integration and extension of build tools and clients from EGEE and other projects to work in the distributed, multiplatform environments that ETICS must support (as described in D3.1) D3.1 –Initial analysis of interoperability and compliance requirements (deliverable D3.2) D WP3: Software Configuration Tools and Methodologies

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 12 Relations with Other Projects 12 ETICS has spent considerable effort in establishing relationships with other projects:ETICS has spent considerable effort in establishing relationships with other projects: –EGEE: SA3 (certification), JRA1 (development), NA4 (applications) –DILIGENT: integration and testing –OGF: co-chair of a Community Group on Build, Test and Certification of grid software –OMII-Europe: provider of the build and test infrastructure –EUChinaGrid: implementation of plugins for IPv6 compliance tests –ICEAGE: participation to the Grid Computing School 2006 –CERN openlab: co-organizer with EGEE of the HP workshop on gLite industrial readiness –Goldrake: build system at CNAF ETICS has actively taken part to the EC/IST activities:ETICS has actively taken part to the EC/IST activities: –eIRG Workshops (Linz, Espoo) –IST Workshops and Concertation Meetings (Bordeaux, Helsinki)

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 13 Deliverables and milestones All deliverables/milestones (PM1-12) doneAll deliverables/milestones (PM1-12) done –15 deliverables and 8 milestones in 12 months 13

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 14 Deliverables List 14 Del. no. Deliverable name WP no. Lead participant Delivery date (PM) Actual delivery date D2.1 Service Level Agreement document 2UoWPM0312/05/2006 D3.1 Configuration, build and integration specifications 3INFNPM0312/05/2006 D2.2 Infrastructure installation and usage documentation 2UoWPM0614/08/2006 D2.3 Status of certification, integration and validation test bed setup (prototype) 2UoWPM1224/01/2006 D3.2 Interoperability reports specifications, configuration, build and integration system 3INFNPM1224/01/2006

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 15 Conferences RISE 2006 conference, Bégin, M., et al., 2006, “Build, Configuration, Integration and Testing Tools for Large Software Projects: ETICS”, Proceedings of RISE 2006 International Workshop on Rapid Integration of Software Engineering techniques, September, 2006, University of Geneva, Switzerland. IDPT 2007 conference, Bégin, M., et al., 2007, “ANALYSIS OF REQUIREMENTS FOR AUTOMATED INTEROPERABILITY TESTING”, submitted

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 16 INFN Manpower Saverio Da Ronco Funded, co.co.pro Mattia Gentilini Funded, co.co.pro Elisabetta Roncheri Funded, art. 23 Matteo Selmi Funded, art. 23 Cristina Vistoli Unfunded

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 17 INFN Testbed ladyoscar ETICS development etics-01 ETICS production server etics-02 WN, SLC3, 32 bit etics-03 WN, SLC3, 64 bit etics-04 WN, SLC4, 32 bit etics-05 WN, CENTOS 3 etics-06 ETICS preproduction server etics-07 WN, Mac OS 10 Received 5 K euro for new machines (1 WN slc4 64 bit)

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 18 Transfer Plan until June 2007March CERN 2 days 2 people April CERN 2/3 days 2 people May All Hands ETICS meeting, Madison, USA 2 people

INFSOM-RI INFN - 7 March 2007 – Bologna, Italy 19 Thanks