NOTE: To protect the patient’s identity, we have used a model’s picture or photographs for the purpose of presentation.
Young boy of 15 years came with the complaints of Severe diabetes
Blood sugar level Fasting 269mgs/dl & Postprandial 318mgs/dl Urine sugar +3 and +4 respectively He is on insulin 40 units or more Lost 6 kgs in 1 month
The patient was very much hurried and didn't sit in one place and was very much busy talking on his cellular phone The speech was very abrupt
He cried a lot just before coming to he doctor as his Blood Sugar levels were high He was very much worried about his health
Very attached to mother Was very upset when he was sent to the boarding school & missed his mother a lot there
This was like an emotional shock to him and he used to weep for hours If Parents visited him and went back he would cry for hours
Anger +++ When angry he throws things, hits his sister, bites, pulls hair, bangs things, sits alone and screams
He is very confident about himself and he helps his father who is a managing director in a firm and he sometimes feels pressurized from his father about various things
He gets along well with everybody but he hates to be laughed at and feels sad afterwards
Pregnancy History: During pregnancy the mother had lots of tensions She had to stay separate from her husband for 6 months due to financial crises in the family
Pregnancy History: There were lot of differences in the family and there was no support from the in-laws
Past history In the beginning had fungal infection on the skin which was treated with ointments afterwards he developed Asthma
Asthma with severe congestion and wheezing aggravated by Cold drinks +3 Artificial foods Dust Pollen grains Air conditioner Lying down
Better by Summer Dry weather +3 Warm drinks +3 Open air Rubbing on the back Knee chest position Treated with bronco-dilators and steroids and on one occasion there was an overdose of the steroids
The asthma got better and then he developed severe Diabetes and which is being treated with high doses of insulin and even now the Blood Sugar levels are not coming under control Also past history of head injury by a cricket ball
As a baby had habit of nail biting which still continues
Physical generals Better by Knee -chest position Craving for cold drinks+++ Craving for sweets+++ Desire to uncover the soles
Mental generals Anger tendency violent throws things Emotional Anger bites hits -emotional Nail biting- Sub conscious Self- confident -Intellectual Social
After using technically advanced tools from Hompath software we got below mentioned remedies. …. Hompath Classic 8.0
Materia medica reference…….
Speciality Clinic is supported by the World’s Largest Homeopathic Database Software, HOMPATH. The subsequent slides showcase to you additional information about the analysis and reasons of the Case at Speciality Clinic and its successful treatment.
Materia medica reference…….
15/10/2000 Rx Medorrhinum 30 3 powders SL 1 – hourly
20/10/2000 Swelling better Anger better Sleep better Glands better Rx Medo 30 3 powders SL days
9/11/2000 The patients BSL was coming in control At this level we advised them to reduce the insulin units It was now 20 units. Continued all 14 days
24/11/2000 The patient was much better The BSL came under control He was feeling quite energetic The insulin doses were further tapered down Continued all 14 days
2/1/2001 There was a marked improvement in the patient Blood sugar level was under good control The patients wt. increased to 59kg Ct all 14 days
As his father was advised to take certain steps but his ego clashed He has too much money now has Mercedes Car A 20 Million apartment etc He stopped treatment only to save his ego
Learning 1. Imagine the pressure during pregnancy has affected the child 2. The separation from mother was a big shock and in Medorrhinum this kind of shock can lead to development of a diseased condition
3. Skin infection getting suppressed with a right soil to develop disease goes deeper to asthma & when Asthma was treated with steroids, the steroid further aggravated diabetes and patient went in bad shape A clear cut case of suppression & complications
Clinic No. 2, Cupid Apt., 66-E, Linking Road, Khar(West), Mumbai – , Maharashtra, India. T: / 5713 (5:00 PM – 8:30 PM) T: – 99 (100 Lines) E: To know more about Dr. Jawahar Shah, click here