Bell Ringer: 1.Draw and label the ATP Molecule 2.What does ATP stand for? And what is it’s function? 3.Which organelle in the cell does Photosynthesis.


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Presentation transcript:

Bell Ringer: 1.Draw and label the ATP Molecule 2.What does ATP stand for? And what is it’s function? 3.Which organelle in the cell does Photosynthesis take place? 4.Why are plants green? 5.What is the Balanced Chemical Equation for Photosynthesis?


Aerobic A process that requires oxygen Anaerobic A process that does not require oxygen

Reactants Products Sugar + Oxygen Carbon Dioxide + water + energy C ₆H₁₂O₆ + 6O₂ 6CO₂ + 6H₂O + energy Cellular Respiration Equation

Stage of RespirationLocation Glycolysiscytoplasm Krebs Cyclemitochondria Electron Transport Chainmitochondria In Both Plant and Animal Cells!!!!

(Cytoplasm) Cellular Respiration: The Process Go to Section: Glucose Glycolysis (Stage 1) Pyruvic acid Electrons Krebs Cycle (Stage 2) Electrons Electron Transport Chain (Stage 3) “Mitochondria” ATP Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Water (H 2 O)

Cytoplasm Respiration: An Overview Go to Section: Glucose Glycolysis Pyruvic acid Electrons Krebs Cycle Electrons Electron Transport Chain Mitochondria Mitochondrion 2232 Carbon dioxide Water

Stage of RespirationATP produced Glycolysis2 ATP (net) Krebs Cycle2 ATP Electron Transport Chain32 ATP Total36 ATP (net)

Summary of Cellular Respiration (With Oxygen Present) StageWhereInputOutput# ofATP GlycolysisCytoplasmGlucose, 2ATPPyruvic Acid, 2 ATP, electrons 2 (net) Krebs CycleMitochondriaPyruvic Acid, Oxygen Carbon Dioxide, 2 ATP, electrons 2 ETCMitochondriaOxygen, ElectronsWater, 32ATP32

Front View (Closed) Back View (Closed) Inside Flipbook (Opened up) Cellular Respiration Equation (Write Both Versions) Cellular Respiration Flipbook Glycolysis End Krebs Cycle Cellular Respiration Stage: 1 Stage: 2Stage: 3 Electron Transport Chain Krebs Cycle: Input: Output: Takes Place in: Glycolysis: Input: Output: Takes Place in: Electron Transport Chain: Input: Output: Takes Place in: (cytoplasm) Carbon dioxide Water (Mitochondria) Pay attention to the details….. Don’t miss anything….. Must be quality work….. Cellular Respiration “Definition”

Mitochondria Flowchart (C 6 H ) + (0 2 ) Glycolysis Krebs Cycle Electron Transport Chain (CO 2 ) + (H 2 O) Go to Section: Cellular Respiration

Bell Ringer: 1.What is the difference between Aerobic and Anaerobic? 2.What is the balanced chemical equation for Cellular Respiration? 3.What are the three stages of Cellular Respiration? 4.How many ATP are need to start Glycolysis? 5.How many total (net) ATP are produced from 1 molecule of C 6 H 12 O 6 during the entire cellular respiration process ? 6.What is the process that occurs if oxygen is not present?

What if there is no oxygen? Then Fermentation occurs….. Fermentation releases the energy in glucose when oxygen is not available. Fermentation releases the energy in glucose when oxygen is not available. This is Anaerobic because it does not require oxygen. This is Anaerobic because it does not require oxygen. Two Types : Two Types : Alcoholic Fermentation Alcoholic Fermentation Lactic Acid Fermentation Lactic Acid Fermentation

Alcoholic Fermentation Performed by Yeast Performed by Yeast Uses pyruvic acid so that glycolysis can continue. Uses pyruvic acid so that glycolysis can continue. Converts Pyruvic acid into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide as waste. Converts Pyruvic acid into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide as waste.

Examples of Alcoholic Fermentation Bread dough Bread dough Beer and Wine Beer and Wine

Lactic Acid Fermentation Performed in the muscle cells of Animals. Performed in the muscle cells of Animals. Converts Pyruvic Acid into Lactic Acid so that glycolysis can continue. Converts Pyruvic Acid into Lactic Acid so that glycolysis can continue.

Example of Lactic Acid Fermentation During intense exercise, your body cannot supply oxygen to your muscles. This causes the muscles to begin Lactic Acid Fermentation in order to produce ATP. During intense exercise, your body cannot supply oxygen to your muscles. This causes the muscles to begin Lactic Acid Fermentation in order to produce ATP. The lactic acid builds up in your muscles causing you to feel sore. The lactic acid builds up in your muscles causing you to feel sore.

How do you get rid of the Lactic Acid build up in your muscles? When you breathe heavily after exercise, you are basically paying back on oxygen debt. When you breathe heavily after exercise, you are basically paying back on oxygen debt. Your blood stream eventually washes away the Lactic Acid into your liver to be digested. Your blood stream eventually washes away the Lactic Acid into your liver to be digested.

Energy and Exercise Three energy “tanks”: Three energy “tanks”: Stored Energy: ATP stored in cells supports around 6 seconds of intense activity. Stored Energy: ATP stored in cells supports around 6 seconds of intense activity. Lactic Acid Fermentation: can supply energy for about 90 seconds. Lactic Acid Fermentation: can supply energy for about 90 seconds. Cellular Respiration: After 90 seconds, this is the only way to obtain continuous ATP. The process is slow. This is why athletes must pace themselves. Cellular Respiration: After 90 seconds, this is the only way to obtain continuous ATP. The process is slow. This is why athletes must pace themselves.

Fermentation Summary: Fermentation Type InputOutputTakes place In: AlcoholicPyruvic AcidAlcohol, CO2, and electron carriers Cytoplasm of yeast Lactic AcidPyruvic AcidLactic Acid and electron carriers Cytoplasm of muscle cells

Bell Ringer: 1.Is fermentation an aerobic or anaerobic process? 2.What are the two types of fermentation? 3.3. Where does each type of fermentation occur?

Glucose Glycolysis Krebs cycle Electron transport Fermentation (without oxygen) Alcohol or lactic acid Chemical Pathways Go to Section:

Plant Cell Animal Cell Chloroplast Mitochondria