February An introduction to GITP International
An international competency, assessment, people development and coaching business, set up in The Netherlands in We transform business challenges into people challenges: we strongly link the evaluation and development of people and teams to the objectives of the organisation and the change it has to make. 250 consultants, facilitators and coaches based in UK, France, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, USA, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland, Russia, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Asia, Argentina, Brazil. Clients appreciate our approach. Most of our work is repeat business. Total turnover: 41,3 MIO Euro in Guided by strong values of respect for people’s lifes, ambitions, competencies and potential at work.
“PEOPLE BUSINESS” GITP International enhances organisational effectiveness performance and change by assessing and developing people and organisations. Being an international network we understand the local/national context in which managers and employees work every day. We design global approaches and implement customized solutions locally.
Our Clients
Our Competencies Assessment Executive matching/ second opinion Assessment Center e-Testing, e-Assessment Development Executive coaching Management Development Team Effectiveness (Future) Leaders Programme Training and education
How are we different? Performance Focussed A Network Organisation Pan-European with global coverage Delivering sustained improvement in the performance of the organisation. Making a real difference to individuals and organisations. Working through partners and alliances. Living in the same reality as our clients. Cultural style of co-operation and partnership not command & control Multi-lingual, multi-cultural, multi-location. Respecting diversity and difference. Drawing strength from diversity.
The Oxford Group A new form of business model GITP International Partners 250 Consultants Alliances Human Insight Vlerick Erasmus IMD INSEAD France - Germany - Italy - UK - Argentina - Brazil - Czech Republic - Denmark - Finland - Hungary - Poland - Russia - Slovakia - Spain - Sweden - Switzerland - US - ASIA Delivering imaginative solutions through a network of partners
Locations GITP International Partners & Members Locations GITP International Partners & Members
Aerospace Company Leadership Development GITP consultants, together with colleagues from their partners, designed and delivered a yearlong programme with the following features: four modules, dealing with the company’s business and strategy, creating and measuring economic and customer value, managing and succeeding in complexity, leadership and personal development; the integration of three learning tracks – academic input (from Henley, Mannheim, Rotterdam, LBS), in-company executive speakers, specialist consultant support; a business game from Insead to raise commercial awareness; and access to a programme web site and a suite of e-learning modules to enable self-directed learning around scheduled events. Our client is a large aerospace company in Europe. It is active in the fields of civil and military aircraft, space, defence systems and services. The clients requirements were for a programme to prepare high potential managers within its operating companies, for senior leadership positions with the group structure through: developing participants’ understanding of the group; giving participants a new perspective on their role as value creators within an international business; enabling participants’ to raise their customer responsiveness without sacrificing the goal of engineering excellence; and to build through the programme a sense of belonging to a new company culture and values. The client The assignment The approach
Draka Future Leaders Masterclass Programme Draka, an ex-Phillips subsidiary is a global cable manufacturing business that has recently grown through acquisition to a structure of 60 companies in 25 countries. In answer to Draka's needs, working in partnership with Draka's HR Director, CEO and Board, we designed and implemented the nomination, assessment process and delivery of the Masterclass 2001 – an 18 month modular programmes, covering all aspects of management education run at company locations around the world. The programme included business assignments, virtual classrooms, remote coaching and workshops with world-class academics. This quotation from Bert Smit, HR Director, summarises some of the other benefits of the programme – “Last month our General Manager in Spain received a major order that he could not fulfil locally. As a result of the Masterclass programme he phoned his colleague in Germany, a co-delegate on the programme, and they agreed the order would be fulfilled in Germany. I can tell you this would NEVER have happened before this programme. This alone has paid for the programme!” The client The assignment The approach
Pliva Change Management - Pliva asked GITP and their partners to screen some 150 senior managers in order to check whether they possessed the leadership skills and competencies needed for their global organization. Furthermore, some 150 high potentials were screened in order to check their potential. All these assessments took place in Vienna. - In phase 2 of this project, Pliva asked GITP to organize a training course for some 170 (future) managers. In this training course, participants learned how to strengthen their qualities as a personal coach and how to target the development of their colleagues´ know how efficiently. The focus was on the behavioral qualities and competencies, which were relevant in the present or future position within the new Pliva. Locations were: Krakow, Zagreb, Brno, Dresden, Pietersfield. - In phase 3, GITP was asked to organize executive coaching for future top management (some 30 participants). These employees had to do an MBA, an international project and some executive tasks. GITP facilitated this process, coached the participants. The integration of three learning tracks – academic input, action learning and coaching – should guarantee future success of these managers and of the company. Tools that were used by GITP: tailor-made assessment exercises 360° feedback (web enabled) individual development plan individual learning suggestions the GITP coaching model Pliva is the largest pharmaceuticals company by turnover in central and Eastern Europe, active in 32 countries. They realized a significant expansion last couple of years. Therefore, the Board defined the ´New Pliva´ ; a set of norms, values, operating principles, and started a process of globalization. -Screening -Training -Executive coaching The client The assignment The approach
Barco Assessment and Development of Senior Management GITP organizes Executive Matching Programs followed by Personal Development Plans (PDP) and final evaluation by means of 360° feedback GITP monitors 360° feedback (via the internet) for US, UK, Germany and other European countries in the near future. BARCO is a world leader in business-to-business markets, in which it offers professional display and visualization solutions. BARCO is active in the market of traffic, surveillance, broadcasting, presentation, digital cinema and others. BARCO is headquartered in Belgium, and has its facilities for Sales & Marketing, Customer Support, R & D and manufacturing in Europe, North America and Asia Pacific. Worldwide Barco employs more than 4200 people. BARCO asked GITP to assess and develop their senior managers for both corporate and for divisions. The client The assignment The approach
Given the fact that in this process senior management positions had to be considered, we suggested to define a common profile, also in order to create consistency throughout the organization. Furthermore, we used competencies that would be measurable against agreed standards, linked to the goals and objectives of UNESCO. In this process, we discern the following steps: analyze of existing job descriptions, the United Nations Master Classification Standard, interviews with relevant actors job design and competence profile check with selected incumbents and supervisors validation on board level implementation and adjustment. This is an ongoing process, depending on the vacancies within UNESCO. Unesco Implementation of competencymanagement in the public sector UNESCO is an entity within the United Nations, responsible for Education, Science and Cultural Organization on a global level. In 2001, UNESCO asked GITP to design generic job descriptions for the senior management cadre of the organization, including generic competencies. These descriptions served as a basis for a competency-based assessment process. The common profile would be used for recruitment, selection, job rotation, evaluation, career development. The client The assignment The approach
Contact Georges Taels, Managing Director GITP International Business Development Assistant Barbara Verheecke GITP International Projects I. Meyskensstraat 224 B-1780 Wemmel / BRUSSELS