Clive Leach M.Org. Coaching Clive Leach M.Org. Coaching Discover Your Strengths – Flourishing Young People
Outline Optimal functioning Optimal functioning Positive Psychology Positive Psychology Positive Education Positive Education Discover Your Strengths! Discover Your Strengths! Some Practical Tips & Tools Some Practical Tips & Tools For You & Your Family! For You & Your Family!
The Future? Think of your children. What do you want for them in the future? Think of your children. What do you want for them in the future?
Word beginning with..
Flourishing Positive Emotions EngagementMeaningRelationshipsOptimismSelf-esteemVitalityAutonomy Univ. Cambridge Well-being Institute & Cass Business School (2009) Resilience Resilience
The Reality for Some Layard, (2005); Brockman, (2008)
Focusing on the ‘wants’.. ‘AFLUENZA’ (envy & social comparison) The HEDONIC TREADMILL! (adaptation)
Positive Psychology “The purpose of positive psychology is to understand the human strengths that enable individuals and communities to thrive” Prof. Martin Seligman PhD
WWW. What’s Working Well?
Pink & Fluffy? It’s NOT ‘Happiology’! Clive Leach Consultancy X
PERMA PERMA Positive Emotions Engagement Relationships Meaning Accomplishment Measuring Well-being for Public Policy - Seligman et al (2011 )
PERMA goes to School!
Positive Education Applies PERMA to enhance optimal functioning and well-being of the whole school community… Applies PERMA to enhance optimal functioning and well-being of the whole school community… To reduce stress, anxiety and mental illness in students, teachers & parents To reduce stress, anxiety and mental illness in students, teachers & parents To increase life satisfaction & success To increase life satisfaction & success To support better learning, creative thinking & academic achievement To support better learning, creative thinking & academic achievement To create virtuous citizens and society To create virtuous citizens and society
Feeling Good & Functioning Well
Pos Ed Focuses On.. Physical health Physical health Mindfulness Mindfulness Positive Emotions Positive Emotions Learned Optimism Learned Optimism Strengths Focus Strengths Focus Relationships Relationships Meaning & Purpose Meaning & Purpose Coaching Coaching (Bonniwell & Ryan, 2012)ell
Positive Education in Practice SLT – Strategic Planning, Executive Coaching, R2 Team, R2 Faculty recruitment SLT – Strategic Planning, Executive Coaching, R2 Team, R2 Faculty recruitment Faculty – Well-being & Engagement, R2, Coaching Conversations, Peer Coaching Group training Faculty – Well-being & Engagement, R2, Coaching Conversations, Peer Coaching Group training Students – VIA Strengths Y12 and Y8 Community Students – VIA Strengths Y12 and Y8 Community Business Team – R2 Team, Well-being & engagement, Performance Management Business Team – R2 Team, Well-being & engagement, Performance Management Parents - PTG presentations – Flourishing Youth, Strengths, Well-being & individual coaching Parents - PTG presentations – Flourishing Youth, Strengths, Well-being & individual coaching
Emotions Danger! Trees! Rocks! Crevices! Crazy People!
Positive Emotions Broaden & Build Fredrickson (2009)
Benefits Supports Psychological Well-being Supports Psychological Well-being Builds our immune system Builds our immune system Assists us to deal and cope with stress Assists us to deal and cope with stress Helps us think more clearly Helps us think more clearly Helps us learn more effectively Helps us learn more effectively Positively relates to academic achievement Positively relates to academic achievement Clive Leach Consultancy 2012
Positive = Deposit
WWW. ? Learned Optimism - PRESENT Notice negative thinking & consequences Challenge, get perspective & take action Best Self Exercise - PAST Consider achievements to date Create affirmations and reminders Best Possible Self Exercise - FUTURE Letter from the future – mental imagery /vision Lived a ‘good life’ Gratitude Exercises – PRESENT / PAST 3 good things – What’s working well & why? Gratitude visit - someone in your life yubomirsky, (2010); Fredrickson, (2012) Seligman (2009) Lyubomirsky, (2010); Fredrickson, (2012) What’s Working Well?
What is a Strength?
Strengths Blindness Studies show that only about 1/3 of people can identify their own strengths Studies show that only about 1/3 of people can identify their own strengths Only 17% of people say they use their strengths ‘most of the time’ each day Only 17% of people say they use their strengths ‘most of the time’ each day (Hill, 2001) (Buckingham, 2007)
Strengths Development 1. Discover strengths! 2. Ignite strengths 3. Build strengths!
VIA Character Strengths Clive Leach Consultancy Universal Strengths – cross cultural Universal Strengths – cross cultural 17 languages, 2m + users, 193 countries 17 languages, 2m + users, 193 countries High scientific validity – many studies High scientific validity – many studies Corporate, Public, Military, Education Corporate, Public, Military, Education Free Adult and Youth Surveys Free Adult and Youth Surveys 24 Character Strengths 24 Character Strengths 5 -7 Signature Strengths 5 -7 Signature Strengths
Strengths Spotting! Your children Your children Your partner Your partner Yourself! Yourself! Family & Friends Family & Friends Famous People – Heroes, and Heroines, Cartoons.. Famous People – Heroes, and Heroines, Cartoons..
Football! Teamwork Courage Self-regulation Fairness Vitality Perspective!
VIA Studies Young people using signature strengths in new ways increases engagement & hope Young people using signature strengths in new ways increases engagement & hope Focus on character strengths improves school skills, engagement & enjoyment Focus on character strengths improves school skills, engagement & enjoyment School success through Self regulation, Perseverance, Curiosity & Love of Learning School success through Self regulation, Perseverance, Curiosity & Love of Learning Teacher’s most common strengths Zest, Social Intelligence & Humour!! Teacher’s most common strengths Zest, Social Intelligence & Humour!!
VIA Studies Use of 4 or more signature strengths at work = more positive work experience and greater sense of calling. Less stress predicted by less Creativity, Love of Learning, Perspective, & Judgement Greater life overall satisfaction predicted by Hope, Zest, Love, Curiosity & Gratitude
Coaching Positive Psychology Activity Positive Psychology Activity Integral to Positive Education Integral to Positive Education Asking not telling Asking not telling Set personal vision & goals Set personal vision & goals Identify strengths & WWW! Identify strengths & WWW! Develop confidence & self-belief Develop confidence & self-belief Decide best action steps forward Decide best action steps forward Provide accountability & support Provide accountability & support Increases meaning & accomplishment Increases meaning & accomplishment
GROW Coaching Conversations What strength would you like to use more of? Why will this be helpful to you? How are you using it already? Can you think of some examples? What ideas have you got for how you can use this strength in new ways? Can I share an idea with you? 4. do next? 4. What is the best idea for you to try? What will you do next? G oal R eality O ptions W ay Forward Whitmore, 2002
What Unis & Employers Want? Enthusiasm Enthusiasm Energetic Energetic Positive outlook Positive outlook Curiosity Curiosity Kind & Friendly Kind & Friendly Persistent Persistent Eager to learn Eager to learn Resilience Resilience Reliability Reliability Diplomatic, Tactful Diplomatic, Tactful Open-minded Open-minded Creativity Creativity Authenticity Authenticity Proactivity Proactivity Assertive, Bravery Assertive, Bravery Leadership Leadership
Good Books! Clive Leach Consultancy
Ignite Your Strengths! Go Forth Go Forth Flourish! Flourish! Thank You!
References Flourishing Huppert, F. & So, T. (2009). Characteristics of Flourishing. The University of Cambridge Well-being Institute & Sir John Cass Foundation Seligman, M (2011) Flourish Economic vs Psychological Wealth Layard, R. (2005). Happiness: Lessons from a New Science. London, UK: Penguin Brockman, H. (2008). The China Puzzle: Falling Happiness in a Rising Economy. Resilience Yates, T. & Masten, A. (2004). Fostering the Future: Resilience Theory and the Practice of Positive Psychology. Pos. Psych for Prof. Practice Set Point for Happiness Lyubomirsky, S. (2007) The How of Happiness – A Practical Guide to Getting the Life You Want. Positive Emotions – Broaden & Build Theory Fredrickson, B.L Positivity (2011) Learned Optimism Seligman, M. (2003). Authentic Happiness. Nicholas Brealey; UK. VIA Strengths Linley, P. & Peterson, C. (2007). The VIA Inventory of Strengths. Personality and Individual Differences, 43, Positive Education Green. L.S., Oades. L & Robinson, P. (2011) Positive Education: Creating Flourishing Students, Staff and Schools. /2011 /april/green/ /2011 Leach, C., Green, L.S. & Grant, A. (2011). Flourishing Youth Provision: The Potential Role of Positive Psychology and Coaching in Enhancing Youth Services. International Journal of Evidence – based Coaching & Mentoring, 9. (1) Evidence-based Coaching Green, L.S., Grant, A.M., & Rynsaardt, J. (2007). Evidence-based coaching for senior high school students: Building hardiness and hope. International Coaching Psychology Review. 2(1) Grant, A. M., Green, L.S, & Rynsaardt, J. (2010). Developmental Coaching for High School Teachers: Executive Coaching Goes to School. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 62(3), Clive Leach Consultancy 2012