Rubbish Removers Our eco project is a bottle bin. When we got told that we were going to 3M we were all very excited! Our slogan is: The Two R’s For Life
Our fist ideas Our first Ideas were:. Pencil case. Gloves. Bag. Phone case. Bird feeder. Bird stand/table. An animal’s den. Bird house. Bench/water collector. Bin
Bottle ideas We decided to call our Eco project Rubbish Removers. The purpose of our project was to reduce the amount of plastic bottles being thrown away.
Water collector bin Bottle bin
Equipment needed We used the same bottles, glue gun and some sticky back tape.
Here are some pictures of us sticking / gluing our product together on the next 2 pages
Top: making the base for our bin Bottom: discussing as a team on where we are going to place our layers
Top: placing the bottles to make one of the layers Bottom: we are taking the labels off the bottles
The base of the bin. We used the sticky back tape to stick the base of the bin together. We used the left over bottles to make the base of the bin.
Sit back Relax and ENJOY!and