¡Ven conmigo a España!
El mapa de España
La bandera de España
Los castillos Spain has more than 6000 castles, towers, palaces, fortresses and watchtowers Alcazar Castle
Castillo de La Mancha
Un molino de viento
Las playas-Beaches
Madrid – La plaza mayor
La Sagrada Familia
La arquitectura de Gaudi
Los pueblos
Día de los Reyes January 6 th is the Day of the Kings This is the traditional day for children to receive presents, not Christmas
La tomatina Since 1944, each year on the last Wednesday of August in the little town of Buñol between 11:00 a.m. until 1:00 pm, in eastern Spain, people flock for the tomato war called the Tomatina. This is a war were there are expected to be no winners, but where all have fun. The attire is simple: COME DRESSED TO WEAR TOMATO JUICE
La Tomatina Just grab those red ripe tomatoes and throw them at anyone that runs, moves, stays stills, bends down, or turns around But as in all games this carries its rules: You may ONLY use tomatoes, and you are to squish them before slugging them.
Valencia-Las Fallas Valencia's biggest festival, Las Fallas, takes place every March, attracting around two million people. The Fallas are creations of paper mache, wood and wax, which the Valencians build in the streets and burn on the night of the feast of St. Joseph.
Las fallas These figures, called "ninots" represent a whole year's work for hundreds of people, are burnt on the night of March 19th in towering flames.
Pamplona-La fiesta de San Fermin The Bull Run is the most famous part of the San Fermin festival, July 7-14 The bull run consists of running along fenced off stretches of streets, in front of bulls.
San Fermin The purpose is to transfer the bulls to the bull ring where the bulls will fight that afternoon.
Tips for running with the bulls Be aware of what's going on around you. Don't try to catch the bulls' attention. Should you trip up on the Run - Stay down. Don't attempt to touch the bulls. Don't stand still during the run. Fan out when you run into the ring. Don't carry anything on you when you run.
Famous Spaniards Vasco Núñez de Balboa Antonio Banderas Miguel de Cervantes Pablo Picasso Enrique Iglesias Penelope Cruz Ferdinand and Isabella
El arte de Picasso
Más arte de Picasso: “Guernica”
La comida española “Truchas a la navarra” (a trout dish) “Paella” (A rice and seafood dish) “Bacalao al pil-pil” (a cod dish)
Más comida “Tortilla española” (Potato omelette) “Gazpacho andaluz” (a cold vegetable soup)