Alison Buben Jay Pataky COSC 316
Main purpose: Penetration Testing ◦ Evaluating the security of a computer by simulating an attack ◦ Showing where the weak points are IMPORTANT ◦ Having good integrity checking and encryption can be lessoned or weakened if your system can be accessed ◦ It is critical to get approval before actually testing a system
Vulnerabilities and Payloads ◦ Vulnerabilities are found by doing an open port scan ◦ Pick and choose a payload you want to run The one we are using is widely used because all windows XP before service pack 2 have this port open Remote Procedure Call
Search results for exploit Pick your exploit and it shows that it loaded Options showed ◦ use exploit and show options for that exploit What info is supplied and what still needs to be entered ◦ Remote host (RHOST)
Set RHOST ◦ Shows all payloads that can be used Meterpreter (more automated command prompt) ◦ "penetration tester's swiss army knife" - offensive security Select: bind_tcp (easiest because nothing extra is needed) ◦ Set payload and look at options (Shows status of exploit and payload) ◦ Execute
Fairly easy Other tutorials help quite a bit Your choice to pick ◦ GUI was easier ◦ Also a command line option Ease to Install Steps ◦ Download a VM ◦ Open with VM ◦ Log in ◦ Generally easy
This was our second tool ◦ 1 st tool selected we had installation problems ◦ Too many packets that it required Overall biggest challenge ◦ Installation ◦ Finding tutorials that helped us ◦ Having a pre made VM with it already installed QUESTIONS?