What is an “exhibition”? An exhibition is a public display of mastery, built around essential questions, messages and materials. And the exhibit environment is the primary medium of communication
What is an “exhibition design”? Exhibition design refers to the creative process involved in planning how to display.
BY CONTENT educational exhibitions Direct presentations based on objects and various modes of communications which aim to transmit “information and knowledge” to the visitors.
BY CONTENT aesthetical exhibitions indirect presentations of an idea by means of art.
BY CONTENT trade exhibitions promotional presentations which aims to sell products, productions, ideas…
BY FORM Temporary exhibitions, Exhibitions that are presented for a period of time.
BY FORM Permanent exhibitions Generally museum exhibition based on permanent collections.
BY FORM Travelling exhibitions Exhibitions that are free of space, which are prepared to be shown in different galleries.
OUTLINE OF EXHIBITION DEVELOPMENT Conceptual phase Idea gathering Development phase Design and production Functional phase Installation and inauguration Assessment phase Evaluation Planning stage Production stage Operational stage Terminating stage
Conceptual phase Idea gathering Product oriented activities collecting ideas comparing ideas with audience needs and the exhibition missions selecting lines to develop gathering collections and/or products to exhibit Management activities assessing available resources to do the project identifying working groups and teams Results a schedule of exhibition identification of potential or available resources.
Product oriented activities setting goals for the exhibition Writing the storyline designing the physical exhibition creating a management plan researching promotional strategies Results an exhibition plan a communication plan a promotional plan Development phase Design and production Planning stage Management activities estimating costs appointing tasks coordinating exhibition teams
Management activities overseeing the availability and use of resources tracking progress and coordinating activities Results presenting the exhibition to the public Using promotional and communicational programs. Development phase Design and production Production stage Product-oriented activities preparing the exhibition components production of exhibition displays, graphics, multi-media and secondary communication items, developing the communication plan utilities developing the promotional plan utilities.
Management activities setting accounts administration of personnel and services Results achieving the exhibiton goals preventing the deterioration of exhibit items and exhibition. Product-oriented activities presenting the exhibition to the public on a regular basis implementing communicational programs conducting visitor surveys maintaining the exhibition providing the security for the exhibition Functional phase Installation and inauguration Operational stage
Management activities balancing accounts Results the exhibition is ended the collections and the exhibit items are stored or returned the exhibition space is cleared and repaired. Product-oriented activities dismantling the exhibition returning the objects or hired items to their places of origins documenting the exhibition process’ Functional phase Installation and inauguration Terminating stage
Management activities creating an evaluation report Results an evaluation report suggested improvements to the product and the process. Product-oriented activities assessing the exhibition Assessing the development process Assessment phase Evaluation
Exhibitions are developed on 3 data. Concept / theme collection Target group
Abstract of an exhıbıtıon How to annotate a collection The annotation of the object? The annotation of the idea Classical style The object is the target Interpretative style The object is the tool…
Abstract Choice of structuring the theme Chronology
Geographical plane Abstract Choice of structuring the theme
Taxonomy Abstract
Technics Abstract
Material Abstract
Themes Abstract
KURGU yapılandırma seçimi Ekoller ve akımlar Belirli bir sosyal/siyasal/estetik/sanatsal dönemleme.
Comparaison Abstract Choice of structuring the theme
Speciality Abstract
Collections can be millions of types…
Target groups and their “exhibition” attitudes 1.Group : Random visitors
2.Group : Common visitors Target groups and their “exhibition” attitudes
3. Group : Professional visitors Target groups and their “exhibition” attitudes