NSS Biology Curriculum
NSS Biology Curriculum Structure and Time Allocation Compulsory Part(180 hours) Elective Part(50 hours) Investigative Study(20 hours)
Compulsory Part 1. Cells and Molecules of Life 2. Genetics and Evolution 3. Organisms and Environment 4. Health and Disease
Elective Part 1. Human Physiology 2. Applied Ecology 3. Micro-organisms and Man 4. Biotechnology
Study of Human Body: Structures and Functions Human Blood Circulatory System
Study of Plant: Structures and Functions Leaf structure Flower structure
Study of Human and Environment
Recent development of Biotechnology DNA and medicines DNA fingerprinting technology
Assessment ComponentContentWeightingTime Written Exam Paper 1 Compulsory Part 60 %2.5 hours Paper 2 Elective Part 20 %1 hour SBAPractical related tasks 20 %continuous assessment (F.5 – 6)
SBA Design and Conduct Investigation
Writing up report
Rat dissectionPig’s heart dissection Dissection Experiment
Making biological drawing
Field- Studies
Science-Technology-Society-Environment Connections Relate scientific knowledge acquired to everyday life.
2012 HKDSE Biology Practice Paper
The End