Supporting Student Success In High School Biology Craig Gabler Regional Sci Coordinator ESD 113 Vicki Horton WSTA Region 7 Rep. Instructional Coach, OSD 1
Biology End of Course Exam Workshop Who takes the test and when The structure of the test Which standards are addressed by EOC - Bio About the resources that are available and where to find them (including each other) Where to make connections in your curriculum materials Learning Intentions: We are learning 2
Introductions: Pick a road sign that represents how you are currently feeling about the biology end of course exam. Share at your table. 3
Initial Ideas What does a students who is successful on the biology EOC know and understand? 4
Stretch Break T ime for a Break……. 7
9 High School 2010 HSPE 2011 HSPE 2012 EOC Multiple Choice 35 Completion Piloted Short Answer 555 % Points from MC/CP 78%
10 Align to Standards 2009 K-12 Science Learning Standards for Systems, Inquiry, Application, and the Life Science Domain (EALR 4) Test Window May/June 2012 Jan/Feb 2013 Graduation Requirement Required for the class of 2015 and beyond (9 th graders in ) Online Testing Not currently scheduled
11 EALR Percent of EOC 1: Systems (crossed with Life Science and alone) At least 15 2: Inquiry (crossed with Life Science and alone) 20 – 25 3: Application (crossed with Life Science and alone) 15 4: Life science domain of EALR 4 (alone) 45 – 50
12 Life Science Domain of EALR 4 Percent of EALR 4 Items Percent of EOC Processes in cells (LS1) Maintenance and stability of populations (LS2) Mechanisms of Evolution (LS3)
13 Scenarios* Number/ EOC Items Item Types / Scenario MCCPSA Systems each Inquiry each Application Stand Alone Items NA Total * Scenario reading load varies from a typical minimum of 80 words for a Systems scenario to a maximum of 500 words for an Application scenario.
14 Test Booklet Format Biology EOC Base BookNumberPoints Scenarios4 to 5NA Items Multiple choice/completion35 Short Answer510 Base Book Item Totals4045 pts Pilot Scenario and Items Scenarios0-1NA Items Multiple choice/completion44 Short answer11 Pilot Item Totals5NA Test Booklet Totals 4 to 645 pts
Sorting It All Out 15
16 Part One: Sort cards by EALR Color
17 Part Two: Sort cards by Cognitive Demand Level 1 Recall and Reproduction Level 2 Skills and Concepts Level 3 Strategic Thinking Level 4 Extended Thinking Webb’s Depth-of-Knowledge levels for Science
It’s About Instruction… 18
Advocate for yourself and your students. “Hi ________________, I need _________ in order to help my students succeed on the End of Course Biology exam. Can you help by ____________________?” 19
20 It's Lunch Time
What is the population density of ESD 113? INQB#2 with LS2B#3 Crosscutting the Inquiry and Life Science EALRS: A field study. 21
Crosscutting the Application and Life Science EALRs: The design process. 22 Designing Solutions APPB & E with LS1B
Burning fossil fuels provides the primary energy source for most of modern society, but also contributes large quantities of CO 2 to the atmosphere. 1.What are 3 potential solutions to this problem? 2.Describe criteria that would be used to evaluate potential solutions. 3.Give some constraints on potential solutions. 4.Describe some trade-offs for each potential solution. 23
Resources 24 OSPI Science Assessment OSPI Biology EOC Moodle ESD 113 Science WSTA
What Happens Next? 25 Workshops? Networking?
Thank you 26