WP5 – Flagship Deployment Period 1 Review Phil Evans – Logica/CGI 1.


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Presentation transcript:

WP5 – Flagship Deployment Period 1 Review Phil Evans – Logica/CGI 1

WP5 Objectives Porting of the flagships to the cloud infrastructure provisioned by WP4. Evaluate and iteratively refine the deployment environment based on the need to improve the capabilities of each flagship. Specific goals To initially deploy the three flagship applications on the cloud infrastructure, at a limited scale, in such a way that the flagships can be used by their intended user communities; To assess the success of the deployments in terms of key evaluation criteria to be defined by each flagship; To move to a full scale deployment based on the results of the initial deployments and any necessary refinements of the application or deployment environments. 2

Effort Contribution Lead Beneficiary: Logica Germany Person-Months per Participant ParticipantPerson- months CERN15.00 EMBL15.00 Logica Germany CNR5.00 CSA EMEA1.00 TOTAL46.00 PM24PM7 WP5 3

Deliverables and Milestones Period 1 TypeDel. no NameNatureDissemination level Date Delivered Deliverable5.1Evaluation of initial flagship DeploymentsReportPU19/06/20123 Milestone11 Documented Criteria and Metrics against which the deployment will be evaluated ReportPU02/04/2013 4

Scientific/technical achievements and their impact Completed: Initial Deployments (H1, 2012) Agreed Common Success Criteria & Metrics Initial Deployment Evaluation in D5.1 Currently Underway: Pilot Phase deployments on preliminary Blue Box environments (WP4) Task 5.5: Security Challenge & Security Requirements 5

MS11: Success Criteria & Metrics Agreed together with both demand/supply- side Criteria: Time to First Instance Scaling Performance Cost Support General 6

Initial Deployments Evaluation Completed H1, Deployments Identified key areas to address before future deployments Shaped the environments being used the currently underway Pilot phase deployments. 7

Evolving deployment schedule for second round of deployments Evolved Environments (Blue Boxes) Began late March Deployment planning many months before deployments began Weekly, and in some cases, daily progress and coordination calls Delays due to factors external to the FP7 project. 8

Evolving deployment schedule for second round of deployments 9

Overall modifications, corrective actions, re-tuning of objectives Task 5.5: Deployment Security Management extended to cover the CSA’s Cloud Security Alliance Security, Trust and Assurance Registry (STAR) Increased effort for flagship deployment coordination due to increased complexities Two Blue-Box Deployments Delays due to technical issues 10

Security Assessment & Challenge Logica + Cloud Security Alliance Key Areas: Federated Cloud Management Key Management Availability Interoperability Asset Management Incident Management + Lightweight Penetration Currently underway & results GA3 - Heidelberg Publication on STAR subject to agreement with all suppliers. 11

Exploitation and use of foreground D5.1: Initial Flagship Evaluation (H1, 2012) MS11: Success Criteria & Metrics D4.3 Cloud Provisioning Report Pilot Deployment Environments (2013) Deployment Evaluation Task 5.5: Operational Policy Definitions Task 5.6: Technical Requirements for Future Procurement MS11: Success Criteria & Metrics 12

Collaboration with other beneficiaries Demand-Side & Supply-Side Input to D5.1 & MS11 EMBL, CERN (+ ESA) Weekly Deployment Call CERN, EMBL, T-Systems, Atos, CloudSigma and other Helix Nebula initiative members Daily calls to mitigate problems with specific flagships 13

Interaction with other FP7 projects and stakeholders outside the consortium SixSq (SME): SlipStream : CELAR SlipStream open-sourced under CELAR, key point in adoption for some suppliers. Interoute : Cloud Service Provider ESA – Flagship Application provider The Server Labs (SME): Service/Deployment Support 14

Contribution to the dissemination of project results General Assembly 1 (Geneva) General Assembly 2 and public event (Frascati) Additional events and video material via website 15