Professionalisation of the HCSW Healthcare Support Workers have progressed from being employed to perform low priority and non-nursing tasks, and to help overcome staffing problems to (UKCC 1988).....performing essential nursing tasks as well as expanding into a more technical clinical way of working including performing clinical observations, taking blood, dressing and wound care provision. Nicola Bevan – HCSW Princess of Wales Hospital Currently HCSWs are undertaking more and more clinical procedures in their practice (NMC Research Unit 2010). They are gaining the knowledge and competence in performing these procedures to standards set out by NHS Wales. In January 2011 the Welsh Assembly Government introduced the Code of Conduct for HCSWs in Wales. The code recognises the importance of the contributions that all HCSWs make in their practice. It provides a comprehensive summary of existing expectations of HCSWs and the responsibility of NHS employers in supporting healthcare workers in order to ensure that the very highest quality patient centred care is maintained (WAG 2011). The code sets a standard that all HCSWs are expected to meet to continue working within the NHS. In January 2011, HCSW Jane Reed spoke at the launch of the Code of Conduct and Employers Code of Practice, at Aneurin Bevan Health Board, ‘the time was right for the introduction of this code, it has been a long time coming. This will enhance the feeling of belonging to the nursing family’. The Code of Practice for NHS Wales Employers works in partnership with the Code of Conduct to assist HCSWs to receive adequate support to continue practising within the Code of Conduct guidelines. The RCN and Unison have been calling for the regulation of HCSWs since 2004, as they consider HCSWs to be part of the nursing family. They want registration for HCSWs, so that regulation will be on a par with other professional groups such as nurses, who are regulated by the Nursing and Midwifery Council. Undertaking the ‘Certificate of Higher Education in Health Care Nursing Support Worker Education’ at the University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd, has enabled me and many students to further develop our already extensive knowledge, skills and attitude. I feel this enhances the HCSWs professional status. Some influential factors leading to this change. 1. Education, which is becoming more extensive and accessible 2. Increased expectations and responsibility 3. The introduction of the HCSW’s Code of Conduct for Wales 4. RCN’s Guidelines on Accountability 5. All Wales Guidelines for Delegation 6. Self awareness 7. Recognition by other health professionals References WAG (2011) Code of Conduct for HCSWs’ WAG (2011) Code of Practice for NHS Wales Employers All Wales Guidelines for Delegation (2010) RCN guidelines on accountability (2007) ‘ Healthcare Assistants in general practice: delegation and accountability.’ Blakemore S; (2009) ‘ As healthcare assistants take on more responsibility, should they be regulated.’ Nursing Standard V23 (44) Pp White J;(2011) ‘ The Welsh Code of Conduct. ’ British Journal of Healthcare Assistants V5 (3) Pp Stokes J, Warden A (2004); ‘ The changing role of the healthcare assistant.’ Nursing Standard.V18 (51) Pp Kessler I, Heron P (2010); ‘ NHS modernization and the role of HCAs.’ British Journal of Healthcare Assistants. V4 (7) Pp University of Glamorgan (2009); ‘ Student course handbook ’ Certificate of Higher Education in Health Care Nursing Support Worker Education.