1 Machine-Level Programming II: Basics Comp 21000: Introduction to Computer Organization & Systems Spring 2016 Instructor: John Barr * Modified slides from the book “Computer Systems: a Programmer’s Perspective”, Randy Bryant & David O’Hallaron, 2015
2 Machine Programming I: Basics History of Intel processors and architectures C, assembly, machine code Assembly Basics: Registers, operands, move Intro to x86-64
3 CISC Properties Instruction can reference different operand types Immediate, register, memory Arithmetic operations can read/write memory Memory reference can involve complex computation Rb + S*Ri + D Useful for arithmetic expressions, too Instructions can have varying lengths IA32 instructions can range from 1 to 15 bytes
4 Features of IA32 instructions IA32 instructions can be from 1 to 15 bytes. More commonly used instructions are shorter Instructions with fewer operands are shorter Each instruction has an instruction format Each instruction has a unique byte representation i.e., instruction pushl %ebp has encoding 55 IA32 started as a 16 bit language So IA32 calls a 16-bit piece of data a “word” A 32-bit piece of data is a “double word” or a “long word” A 64-bit piece of data is a “quad word”
5 CPU Assembly Programmer’s View (review) Programmer-Visible State PC: Program counter Address of next instruction Called “EIP” (IA32) or “RIP” (x86-64) Register file Heavily used program data 8 named locations, 32 bit values (x86-64) Condition codes Store status information about most recent arithmetic operation Used for conditional branching PC Registers Memory Object Code Program Data OS Data Addresses Data Instructions Stack Condition Codes Memory Byte addressable array Code, user data, (some) OS data Includes stack used to support procedures
6 Instruction format Assembly language instructions have a very rigid format For most instructions the format is movl Source, Dest Instruction name Source of data for the instruction: Registers/memory Destination of instruction results: Registers/memory Instruction suffix
7 Data Representations: IA32 + x86-64 Sizes of C Objects (in Bytes) C Data TypeGeneric 32-bitIntel IA32x86-64 unsigned444 int444 long int448 char111 short222 float444 double888 long double810/1216 char *448 –Or any other pointer
8 Instruction suffix Every operation in GAS has a single-character suffix Denotes the size of the operand Example: basic instruction is mov Can move byte ( movb ), word ( movw ) and double word ( movl ) Note that floating point operations have entirely different instructions. C declaration Intel data type GAS suffixSize (bytes) char Byteb1 short Wordw2 int Double wordl4 unsigned Double wordl4 long int Quad wordq8 unsigned long Double wordq8 char * Quad wordq8 float Single precision s4 double Double precision d8 long double Extended precision t16
9 Registers bit general purpose registers Programmers/compilers can use these All registers begin with %r Rest of name is historical: from 8086 Registers originally had specific purposes No restrictions on use of registers in commands However, some instructions use fixed registers as source/destination In procedures there are different conventions for saving/restoring the first 4 registers (%rax, %rbx, %rcx, %rdx) than the next 4 (%rsi, %rdi, %rsp, %rbp). Final two registers have special purposes in procedures –%rbp (frame pointer) –%rsp (stack pointer) Will discuss all these later
10 Registers bit general purpose registers The low-order 4 bytes can be independently read or written by operation instructions. Done for backward compatibility with 8008 and 8080 (1970’s!) When a byte of the register is changed, the rest of the register is unaffected. The low-order 2 bytes (16 bits, i.e., a single word) can be independently read/wrote by word operation instructions Comes from bit heritage When a word of the register is changed, the rest of the register is unaffected. See next slide!
11 %rsp x86-64 Integer Registers Can reference low-order 4 bytes (also low-order 1 & 2 bytes) %eax %ebx %ecx %edx %esi %edi %esp %ebp %r8d %r9d %r10d %r11d %r12d %r13d %r14d %r15d %r8 %r9 %r10 %r11 %r12 %r13 %r14 %r15 %rax %rbx %rcx %rdx %rsi %rdi %rbp
12 History: IA32 Registers %eax %ecx %edx %ebx %esi %edi %esp %ebp %ax %cx %dx %bx %si %di %sp %bp %ah %ch %dh %bh %al %cl %dl %bl 16-bit virtual registers (%ax, %cx,dx, …) (backwards compatibility) general purpose accumulate counter data base source index destination index stack pointer base pointer Origin (mostly obsolete) 8-bit register (%ah, %al,ch, …) 32-bit register (%eax, %ecx, …)
13 Moving Data movq Source, Dest Move 8-byte (“quad”) word Lots of these in typical code Operand Types Immediate: Constant integer data Example: $0x400, $-533 Like C constant, but prefixed with ‘$’ Encoded with 1, 2, or 4 bytes Register: One of 16 integer registers Example: %rax, %r13 But %rsp reserved for special use Others have special uses for particular instructions Memory: 8 consecutive bytes of memory at address given by register Simplest example: (%rax) Various other “address modes” %rax %rcx %rdx %rbx %rsi %rdi %rsp %rbp %rN
14 movl Operand Combinations Cannot do memory-memory transfer with a single instruction movq Imm Reg Mem Reg Mem Reg Mem Reg SourceDestC Analog movq $0x4,%raxtemp = 0x4; movq $-147,(%rax)*p = -147; movq %rax,%rdxtemp2 = temp1; movq %rax,(%rdx)*p = temp; movq (%rax),%rdxtemp = *p; Src,Dest
15 Simple Memory Addressing Modes Normal(R)Mem[Reg[R]] Register R specifies memory address Aha! Pointer dereferencing in C movq (%rcx),%rax DisplacementD(R)Mem[Reg[R]+D] Register R specifies start of memory region Constant displacement D specifies offset movq 8(%rbp),%rdx
16 Simple Addressing Modes (cont) Immediate$ImmImm The value Imm is the value that is used movq $4096,%rax AbsoluteImmMem[Imm] No dollar sign before the number The number is the memory address to use movq 4096,%rdx The book has more details on addressing modes!!
17 mov instructions InstructionEffectDescription movq S,DD SMove quad word movl S,D movw S,D D S Move double word Move word movb S,D D SMove byte movsbl S,D D SignExtend (S) Move sign-extended byte movzbl S,D D ZeroExtend Move zero-extended byte Notes:1. byte movements must use one of the 8 single-byte registers 2. word movements must use one of the 8 2-byte registers 3. movsbl takes single byte source, performs sign-extension on high-order 24 bits, copies the resulting double word to dest. 4. movzbl takes single byte source, performs adds 24 0’s to high-order bits, copies the resulting double word to dest
18 mov instruction example Assume that %dh = 8D and %eax = at the beginning of each of these instructions instructionresult 1. movb %dh, %al %eax = 2. movsbl %dh, %eax %eax = 3. movzbl %dh, %eax %eax = D FFFFFF8D D
19 mov instruction example instructionaddressing mode 1. movq $0x4050, %eax 2. movq %ebp, %esp 3. movq (%ecx), %eax 4. movq $-17, (%esp) 5. movq %eax, -12(%ebp) Imm Reg Reg Reg Mem Reg Imm Mem Reg Mem (Displacement)
20 Special memory areas: stack and heap Stack Space in Memory allocated to each running program (called a process) Used to store “temporary” variable values Used to store variables for functions Heap Space in Memory allocated to each running program (process) Used to store dynamically allocated variables Kernel virtual memory Memory mapped region for shared libraries Run-time heap (created at runtime by malloc) User stack (created at runtime) Unused Read/write segment (.data,.bss ) Read-only segment (.init,.text,.rodata )
21 Example of Simple Addressing Modes void swap (long *xp, long *yp) { long t0 = *xp; long t1 = *yp; *xp = t1; *yp = t0; } swap: movq (%rdi), %rax movq (%rsi), %rdx movq %rdx, (%rdi) movq %rax, (%rsi) ret Note: if you look at the assembly code, it’s much more complicated; we’re ignoring some code to simplify.
22 %rdi %rsi %rax %rdx Understanding Swap () void swap (long *xp, long *yp) { long t0 = *xp; long t1 = *yp; *xp = t1; *yp = t0; } Memory RegisterValue %rdixp %rsiyp %raxt0 %rdxt1 swap: movq (%rdi), %rax # t0 = *xp movq (%rsi), %rdx # t1 = *yp movq %rdx, (%rdi) # *xp = t1 movq %rax, (%rsi) # *yp = t0 ret Registers
23 Understanding Swap () %rdi %rsi %rax %rdx 0x120 0x100 Registers Memory swap: movq (%rdi), %rax # t0 = *xp movq (%rsi), %rdx # t1 = *yp movq %rdx, (%rdi) # *xp = t1 movq %rax, (%rsi) # *yp = t0 ret 0x120 0x118 0x110 0x108 0x100 Address
24 Understanding Swap () %rdi %rsi %rax %rdx 0x120 0x Registers Memory swap: movq (%rdi), %rax # t0 = *xp movq (%rsi), %rdx # t1 = *yp movq %rdx, (%rdi) # *xp = t1 movq %rax, (%rsi) # *yp = t0 ret 0x120 0x118 0x110 0x108 0x100 Address
25 Understanding Swap () %rdi %rsi %rax %rdx 0x120 0x Registers Memory swap: movq (%rdi), %rax # t0 = *xp movq (%rsi), %rdx # t1 = *yp movq %rdx, (%rdi) # *xp = t1 movq %rax, (%rsi) # *yp = t0 ret 0x120 0x118 0x110 0x108 0x100 Address
26 Understanding Swap () 456 %rdi %rsi %rax %rdx 0x120 0x Registers Memory swap: movq (%rdi), %rax # t0 = *xp movq (%rsi), %rdx # t1 = *yp movq %rdx, (%rdi) # *xp = t1 movq %rax, (%rsi) # *yp = t0 ret 0x120 0x118 0x110 0x108 0x100 Address
27 Understanding Swap () %rdi %rsi %rax %rdx 0x120 0x Registers Memory swap: movq (%rdi), %rax # t0 = *xp movq (%rsi), %rdx # t1 = *yp movq %rdx, (%rdi) # *xp = t1 movq %rax, (%rsi) # *yp = t0 ret 0x120 0x118 0x110 0x108 0x100 Address
28 Complete Memory Addressing Modes Most General Form D(Rb,Ri,S)Mem[Reg[Rb]+S*Reg[Ri]+ D] D: Constant “displacement” 1, 2, or 4 bytes Rb: Base register: Any of 16 integer registers Ri:Index register: Any, except for %rsp Unlikely you’d use %rbp, either S: Scale: 1, 2, 4, or 8 (why these numbers?) Special Cases (Rb,Ri)Mem[Reg[Rb]+Reg[Ri]] D(Rb,Ri)Mem[Reg[Rb]+Reg[Ri]+D] (Rb,Ri,S)Mem[Reg[Rb]+S*Reg[Ri]] D(Rb,Ri,S)Mem[Reg[Rb]+S*Reg[Ri]+D]
29 Address Computation Examples %rdx %rcx 0xf000 0x100 ExpressionComputationAddress 0x8(%rdx) (%rdx,%rcx) (%rdx,%rcx,4) 0x80(,%rdx,2)
30 Address Computation Examples %edx %ecx 0xf000 0x100 ExpressionComputationAddress 0x8(%rdx) (%rdx,%rcx) (%rdx,%rcx,4) 0x80(,%rdx,2) 0xf x80xf008 0xf x1000xf100 0xf *0x1000xf400 2 *0xf x800x1e080
31 Address Computation Instruction leaq Src,Dest Src is address mode expression Set Dest to address denoted by expression Format Looks like a memory access Does not actually access memory Rather, calculates the memory address, then stores in a register Uses Computing addresses without a memory reference E.g., translation of p = &x[i]; Computing arithmetic expressions of the form x + k*y k = 1, 2, 4, or 8. lea = load effective address
32 Example Converted to ASM by compiler: long m12(long x) { return x*12; } long m12(long x) { return x*12; } leaq (%rdi,%rdi,2), %rax ;t <- x+x*2 salq $2, %rax ;return t<<2 ; or t * 4 leaq (%rdi,%rdi,2), %rax ;t <- x+x*2 salq $2, %rax ;return t<<2 ; or t * 4
33 Address Computation Instruction ExpressionResult leaq 6(%rax), %rdx leaq (%rax, %rcx), %rdx leaq (%rax, %rcx, 4), %rdx leaq 7(%rax, %rax, 8), %rdx leaq 0xA(,%rax, 4), %rdx leaq 9(%rax,%rcx, 2), %rdx Assume %rax holds value x and %rcx holds value y * Note the leading comma in the next to last entry
34 Address Computation Instruction ExpressionResult leal 6(%rax), %rdx leal (%rax, %rcx), %rdx leal (%rax, %rcx, 4), %rdx leal 7(%rax, %rax, 8), %rdx leal 0xA(,%rax, 4), %rdx leal 9(%rax,%rcx, 2), %rdx Assume %rax holds value x and %rcx holds value y * Note the leading comma in the next to last entry %rdx x + 6 %rdx x + (y * 2) + 9 %rdx (x * 4) + 10 %rdx x + (x * 8) + 7 = (x * 9) + 7 %rdx x + (y * 4) %rdx x + y
35 Machine Programming I: Summary History of Intel processors and architectures Evolutionary design leads to many quirks and artifacts C, assembly, machine code New forms of visible state: program counter, registers,… Compiler must transform statements, expressions, procedures into low-level instruction sequences Assembly Basics: Registers, operands, move The x86-64 move instructions cover wide range of data movement forms Intro to x86-64 A major departure from the style of code seen in IA32