The Core Sequence and Your Senior Thesis
Wonder Review Literature Specify Question Develop Concepts TheorizeOperationalizeHypothesizeObserveAnalyze Assess and Revise
Wonder—become curious about something, pick potential topics Review Literature—learn what others have found out about your potential topics
Wonder—continue wondering and narrow down your topic Review Literature—continue to learn what others have found out Specify Question—state exactly what you are going to find out Conceptualize—isolate and define key elements Theorize—state how you believe concepts are related and explain why
Review Literature—continue to learn what others have found out Operationalize—specify your measures and develop the instruments and procedures you will use to obtain them Hypothesize—state exactly how you expect your measures to be related Observe—measure your concepts
Review Literature—continue to learn what others have found out Analyze—systematically compare how your measures are really related to how you predicted they would be related Assess and Revise—reject or adjust theory if predictions fail
Wonder Review Literature Specify Question Develop Concepts TheorizeOperationalizeHypothesizeObserveAnalyze Assess and Revise