There is eligibility criteria associated with both programs. General eligibility applies to both followed by individual criteria. General eligibility includes: Age, Citizenship/Eligibility to Work, Residency, Selective Services, and Social Security Number
Individuals must be 18 years of age or older Under WIOA there is a priority to serve those who are low income, recipients of public assistance and those who are basic skills deficient. Along with those who are unemployed or underemployed.
An individual who has been terminated or laid off, or who has received a notice of termination or layoff from employment, is eligible for or has exhausted entitlement to unemployment compensation, and is unlikely to return to a previous industry or occupation. Those who have been dependent on the income of another family member but is no longer supported by that income. Separating service members from the Armed Forces also qualify as a Dislocated Worker.
Individuals must register and create a resume in Delaware Job Link The individual is then scheduled to complete CASAS – CASAS stands for Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System – CASAS is the most widely used system for assessing adult basic reading and math skills.
After the completion of the CASAS assessment, the individual is scheduled to attend the Career Planning Workshop. The workshop is an all day session (9:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m.). The workshop includes an interest profile and information related to in-demand occupations. At the end of the workshop those interested in Intensive Job Search or Training stay and complete a Service Proposal.
The Service Proposal includes a review of the individuals occupational interests, labor market data related to those occupations, available training opportunities, financial resources, etc. The Service Proposal wraps up with a 90 second elevator speech as to “why should” DET fund your training choice.
During the Service Proposal portion of the workshop here is where individuals are introduced to DET’s Eligible Provider Training List. The Eligible Provider Training List found in DJL – lists all the training providers and those programs that are approved by the Delaware Workforce Development Board.
At the completion of the workshop, the individual is scheduled to meet with a training case manager. The purpose of the one-on-one meeting is to determine whether or not the proposal is sustainable. Once the proposal is deemed reasonable, eligibility determination is completed. This may take more than one meeting. In the event the individual is not eligible the client is made aware of the other services available though the One Stop.
Those who are eligible are engaged in the Assessment and Planning process. An Individual Employment Plan is jointly developed by the individual and the case manager. Employment barriers are discussed, appropriate employment goals are created and Supportive Service needs are also addressed.
DET funds both certificate and degree programs For certificated programs – clients can receive up to $5,000. For degree programs – clients can receive up to $15,000 per program year. All tuition is generated through an Individual Training Account (ITA).
The relationship between the DET case manager and the client continues. Case management is ongoing through the individuals participation (monthly contact). Client has an obligation to submit documentation to support satisfactory attendance and satisfactory progress. After completion of training, DET case managers assist with updating resume in DJL, intensive job search, assistance with supportive services, etc.
After employment is obtained case managers continue to provide case management and supportive services to ensure job retention. Case managers are required to obtain placement verification for the first ninety day period. The program is wrapped up by providing 12 month follow-up services to those who have obtained unsubsidized employment. Counseling regarding the workplace environment is invaluable.