MIS 4200 Systems and Database Analysis, Design, and Development Abdou Illia, Ph.D School of Business Eastern Illinois University (Monday 1/12/2015)
2 Objectives Class overview (course syllabus) Explain How class will be organized
3 Why a Systems and Database class? Information systems and databases are at the core of what makes today’s organizations work Need for employees trained to effectively use, design, and manage systems and databases
What will be the focus? Learning principles of systems design Leaning how to use Oracle to create and manage database objects Use SQL and PL/SQL Develop basic database applications Note: The class covers general principles of systems and DB design. It is designed to provide hands-on experience on creating and managing database objects. It doesn’t give you the rigorous treatment that would make you an expert on the subject.
5 Course objectives Understand and apply the activities of the systems development life cycle (SDLC) including the analysis and design of user requirements Knowledge
6 Course objectives Create appropriate systems diagrams and documentation to support the systems development life cycle. Create SQL data definition (DDL) and data manipulation (DML) code Apply relational and object-oriented database structures and schemas Develop and implement an integrated application using a client/server database in a team setting Skills
7 Required Text Morrison, Morrison and Conrad, Guide to ORACLE 10g, Course Technology, 2006 Valacich, George and Hoffer, Essentials of Systems Analysis and Design, 10th edition, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2012
8 Teaching Methods Lectures Discussions Hands-on Exercises
9 Grading Points Systems 15 points 60 Oracle 20 points160 Systems/Database project100 Final Exam150 QuizzesTo be determined?
10 Grade calculation % A 80-89%B 70-79%C 60-69%D Grades calculated by dividing amassed points by MAX
11 Makeup Makeup in case of excused absence Excused absence: Absence due to illness Absence due to an official University activity Absence due to emergency Students required to notify instructor in advance Late assignments subject to 25%deduction. Note late assignment not accepted after a week.
12 Due dates Responsible to make sure assignments are turned on time Take-home exercise due at beginning of next class Lab hands-on due at end of lab session or (in some cases) at the beginning of next session
13 Website / address Syllabus Class Notes Assignments Your address Required to receive class-related notices Send me an Subject: MIS list Content: Your-First-Name Your-Last-Name
14 Instructor Assistance Phone: Office Hours: T R 10:00-12:30 and by appointment