Grow longer Eye Lashes
Consider how makeup can now be an important aspect of your lifestyle. But care has to be taken to the natural beauty of the skin and eyes when you are wearing these cosmetics for a long period of time. There are side effects from wearing make up for too long, and often. Here are 5 simple tips that will help you maintain your eyelashes- natural beauty and even enhance them. eyes The first rule is to never sleep with your makeup on. You see, eye makeup such as eye shadows and other eye lash thickeners tend to make your lashes brittle when left on at night. You don't want your eye lashes to become shorter until they eventually fall off, do you? You will notice then that some lashes are shorter than the others. Even the thickness and the color of the eye lashes will also be drastically altered. If you are using certain eye drops, it might result in this condition.
You will no doubt find many eye lash thickening and enhancing treatments nowadays; the problem is: they are not cheap. One natural way to do it is through the use of eye lash curlers. But after the party or the important occasion you're attending, you have to uncurl it. However, you must be careful. You may also end up damaging your eye lashes if you let them curl for a long time. Remember that you have been given with wonderful facial features. Once you destroy those features, it will be difficult and next to impossible to restore them. If you have long eye lashes, you will also have more expressive eyes, and you'll look more beautiful. A healthy diet, complete with vitamins and proteins, will ensure that your eye lashes remain thick and strong. In order to encourage the growth and development of eye lashes, make sure you have lots of amino acids. Large amounts of biotin is also required. It would be a good idea to take some multivitamins, or a biotin supplement. Amino acids can also be obtained from many foods that are rich in protein. Include these foods in your daily diet. Don't forget to get enough sleep daily, since this would also help in making your eye lashes longer and stronger.
Do you have the bad habit of rubbing your eye lashes? Stop doing this immediately. After waking up, you tend to rub your eye lashes. Doing this on a regular basis will be instrumental in making your eye lashes weaker. Thus you can just apply gentle pressure on the eyes, when it is itchy, instead of rubbing it hard. Eye lashes must be kept clean at all times. If you want thick and bright eye lashes, you can start using the prostaglandins. You can find a lot of FDA approved drugs that will do exactly this. But do not buy these drugs without proper prescription. Soon, you'll have thicker eye lashes that you'll be proud of. Recommended Links: Eyelash Enhancer Serum