AS GEOG2 SECTION A Self-quizzing: I have included questions in this presentation, followed by mark scheme from AQA. Some answers are on the following slide. Some slides include animation-appear- to show answers to questions. 1
MAP SKILLS 1- maps with located proportional symbols – squares, circles, semi-circles, bars (see graphical skills) 2- maps showing movement – flow lines, desire lines and trip lines 3- choropleth, isoline and dot maps 4
Maps showing movement – flow lines, desire lines and trip lines There are all used on maps to show movement as either arrows or lines. They can also be used to show the density of the movement. 1- Flow line map: shows the actual flow and direction of something (for example traffic). The flow line is drawn proportional to the number travelling along the route by the use of a suitable scale. See next slide for example of flow line map 5
Measuring traffic flows in Manchester 6
Desire lines Show how busy a route is between two places. The line ignores the actual route taken and simply concentrates on the origin, the destination and the number on the route. Shows movement between region or even different parts of the world. 7
Desire lines 8
Trip lines Variation on the desire line concept. Used to display information related to trips or journeys taken by individual people. On a map, trip lines look like spokes on a wheel For example, a series of trip lines could be drawn our from a central point (such as a supermarket) to each customer’s home to see the sphere of influence of the supermarket (the maximum distance people are prepared to travel to use that service) 9
Flow line Trip line
Dot maps Useful to identify the density of a particular variable such as population Indicate the distribution of a particular variable It is possible to estimate the numbers in a particular place, provided each dot is clearly visible limitations see next question 11
12 JUN13 : 1 (a) Study Figure 1, a dot map showing the distribution of population in Brazil.
13 1 (a) (i) Using Figure 1, describe the distribution of population in Brazil. (3 marks) 1- Even? Uneven? 2- Highest density? 3- Sparsely populated? 4- Clusters?
14 1 (a) (ii) Outline one strength and two weaknesses associated with the dot map for displaying this data. (3 marks)
Choropleth maps These are maps, where areas are shaded according to a prearranged key, each shading or colour type representing a range of values. See strengths and limitations next slide 15
Strengths: Choropleths give a good visual impression of change over space. Simple technique to use and extremely effective at helping to observe patterns that would otherwise remain hidden in numerical data. Spatial anomalies can easily be identified. Limitations: They give a false impression of abrupt change at the boundaries of shaded units. The reality is probably that change is more gradual. Variations within map units are hidden. You do not know the actual data at any point of the choropleth map 16
17 JUN12: 1 (c) Study Figure 3 which shows rainfall data gathered over a period of 72 hours in November 2009 for part of Britain. Comment on the usefulness of this technique as a method of displaying this data. (5 marks) Comment on? On data/stimulus response questions, it means to examine the stimulus material provided and then make statements about the material and its content that are relevant, appropriate and geographical, but not directly evident. For a mapping technique, your answer must include the strengths and limitations of this technique.
Isolines Represent the same value along their own length e.g. contour lines on OS maps River depth data 19
20 JUN11:1 (b) (i) Study Figure 2, a sketch plan of a meander showing river channel depth. Add the following information: an isoline to represent the river depth of 5 cm a label which clearly locates the deep pool. A curved 5cm isoline must touch the 5s indicated on the sketch and extend to the margins. It must also be on the correct side of the 3s and 6s respectively. A second mark is available for accuracy throughout isoline. For deep pool allow anywhere inside the 25cm isoline.
21 1 (b) (ii) Study Figure 3, a sketch cross-section showing velocity along line X—Y in Figure 2. Identify with a labelled arrow the fastest part of the river and describe the relationship between the information shown in Figure 2 and Figure 3. Reserve 1 mark for the fastest part of the river - allow anywhere over 0.4m/sec. For description allow one mark per valid point with additional credit for development. For example: The fastest part of the river also correlates with the deepest. Here speeds of 0.45m/sec appear to be the deepest sections (at up to 32cm depth) (d). This also appears to be the outside of the bend of the meander (d). As the water becomes shallow velocity decreases. Additional credit for development. No credit for straight reversals. Use of data must link Figures 2 and 3
Graphical Skills 1- line graphs – simple, comparative, compound and divergent 2- bar graphs – simple, comparative, compound and divergent 3- scatter graphs – and use of best fit line 4- pie charts and proportional divided circles 5- triangular graphs 6- radial diagrams 7- logarithmic scales 8- dispersion diagrams. 22
1- Line graphs Simple but effective way of showing continuous data. Useful because they can suggest trends over time and can be used to estimate future patterns based on present trends 23
Study Figure 1 which shows changes in the populations of India and China between 2000 and 2050 (projected). 24 Jun10
Questions linked to this line graph 25 1 (a) (ii) Describe the changes shown in Figure 1. (4 marks) Answer the questions and check your answers
Compound line graph On a compound line graph different sets of data can be displayed to allow comparison to be made. (‘Cheese cake’ graph) 27
DTM The DTM is a very specialised comparative line graph which looks at how changing birth and death rates impact upon the total population. 28
2- bar graphs Simplest form to represent numbers in a set of data Can be used either to compare different sets of data or to compare categories within a set of data 29
JUN 12 QUESTION 1 (d) 30
35 JUN10:Study Figure 5 which shows estimated population change in India’s largest urban areas between 2008 and 2030.
36 1 (c) (ii) Suggest factors responsible for the changing populations shown in Figure 5. (5 marks)
37 1 (c) (ii) Notes for answers (5 marks) This response does not require specific knowledge of India in order to score full marks. Any reasonable factors offered can score credit. Cities are growing for many different reasons for example: birth rate is a major factor affecting the growth of cities in India rural to urban migration is still an important consideration, with valid reference to push and pull factors improved health care and diet is responsible for lowering the death rate, thus contributing to overall growth of cities some may comment on the larger increases in Kolkata, Delhi and Mumbai, making links to their regional centre status, attracting further migrants for employment opportunities. Level 2 (4-5 marks) Clearly aware of the urban theme of question. Shows knowledge and understanding of the factors affecting the growth of cities in such locations. More than one factor suggested for L2. For full marks must specifically refer to either birth rate or inward migration.
38 JAN11
39 1 (a) (ii) Describe the pattern now shown in Figure 1.
Compound bar graphs = Divided bars Individual bars broken down to show more than one piece of information. All values are changed into percentage and add up to
42 JAN12: Study Figure 3 which shows three different types of benefit claimed by people in different areas of Merseyside in (c) (ii) Using Figure 3, calculate the mean percentage of Disability Living Allowance claimants for the four areas now shown. Explain why the mean is a useful measure for this set of data. (3 marks) Mean percentage = 1 (c) (iii) Describe and comment on the patterns now shown in Figure 3. (5 marks)
44 1 (c) (iii) Describe and comment on the patterns now shown in Figure 3. (5 marks)
46 1 (c) Study Figure 4 which shows birth rates and death rates for selected countries. 1 (c) (i) Choose an appropriate technique and display the data shown in Figure 4, using the axes provided on the graph paper below. (4 marks) Next slide
48 The most likely technique will be a comparative bar chart. Alternative techniques can be credited if the data is presented appropriately e.g scatter graph. Pie charts and line graphs are not appropriate. Accurate and complete data displayed (2 marks) Appropriate scale (1 mark) Both axes labelled correctly (1 mark) Use of key (1 mark) Lose 1 mark per inaccuracy or omission (Max -2 for inaccurate data presented) No data presented – No credit awarded Inappropriate technique e.g line graph –no credit.
49 Don’t forget to add key Don’t forget to label axes
Divergent bar graphs Graph with data spread on either side of the x-axis. For example: population pyramids 50
Question Jun09 1(a) 52
3- scatter graphs – and use of best fit line Investigate correlations Dependent/independent variable? If one of your variables is expected to affect a change in the other, the variable affecting the change is referred as ‘independent’ and this data is plotted on the x-axis. The data thought to be affected by the change is referred to as the ‘dependent variable’ and is plotted on the y-axis. 54
Line of best fit/anomaly How to draw a line of best fit Draw a line that broadly represents your pattern with an equal number of points on either side. Anomaly or residual A piece of data which is very different from the rest. Generally it is a good practice to ignore it when drawing the line of best fit 55
56 JUNE 12 : 1 (b) (i) Study Figure 2 which shows the relationship between catchment size and annual discharge for selected rivers in the north of England in (b) (ii) Describe the pattern now shown in Figure 2. (4 marks)
57 How it was marked: 1 mark per valid plot (Accept 75 km2 for River X catchment size) 2×1 1 mark for appropriate best fit line.
58 1-State the type of correlation and describe it. 2- Look for clusters of data. Give data 3- Identify anomaly/ies and give data
4- Pie charts and proportional divided circles Various components of whole set of data broken down and displayed as a series of segments. Segments are proportional to each other within the pie chart. A proportional divided circle has its area proportional to the overall values in the data set. These are mainly created for the purpose of comparing data set. 59
How to create a pie chart Each category within the data set has to be turned into a percentage of the set of data. To do this, divide the segment value by the overall value and then multiply by 100. Each category has to be turned into a number of degrees. Since there are 360 degrees in a circle, you need to multiply your percentage by 3.6 to turn it into a number of degrees. Draw a line from the centre of the circle to the top. Add segments. 60
61 JUN10: Using the information provided in Figure 2 and Figure 3, complete the proportional divided circle (Figure 4) to show India’s projected population total and structure for 2050.
62 1 (b) (ii) Using the information provided in 1(b)(i), describe the changes to India’s population total and structure. (4 marks) Answer questions. Check answers next slide
5- triangular graphs 3 variables that add up to 100. Useful in showing patterns of clustering between different variables However: triangular graphs only work with a very limited range of data. 64
65 JAN12 Study Figure 2 which shows population age structures in ten Super Output Areas in Merseyside.
66 A axis B axis C axis X To plot data, remember this simple way: A axis C axis B axis
67 Compare the pattern now shown in Figure 2 with the national average data and suggest implications for the provision of services in these areas. 8 marks
6- radial diagrams/Polar graphs Polar graphs are a useful technique for showing data related to change over time or change in direction. However: it slightly distorts the higher values making it a little difficult to interpret 68
69 JAN13: 1 (a) Study Figure 1 which shows two different traffic flows over an 18-hour period in Winsford, Cheshire. No data were collected from to All vehicles going into and out of the town centre were counted for a period of ten minutes at the start of each hour.
70 2×1 for each accurate plot. Use of key not essential but plots must be joined up. Maximum 1 if points are not joined. One plot not joined – 0 marks.
71 1 (a) (ii) With reference to Figure 1, compare the traffic flows into and out of the town centre.
7- logarithmic scales Uses a series of cycles where increases occur in multiple of 10. Particularly useful when there is a very large range of data to display e.g. Flood frequency analysis and The Hjulstrom Curve 72
74 JUN11: Study Figure 4, the Hjulström curve.
75 1 (c) (iii) Using Figure 4, explain how velocity and particle size affect the deposition process. (6 marks)
78 The Hjulström curve tries to explain the dynamic relationship between velocity and particle size. The smallest particles held in suspended load may not be deposited even at the lowest speeds. Above this particle size, at the lowest river speeds, these particles will be deposited. This is because the particles change from clay based to silts and are therefore heavier. As particles become larger they generally become heavier (also changing from sand to larger materials). Therefore at lower velocities these particles are deposited. Refer to competence in relation to different river velocities. Level 2 (Clear) 5-6 marks Clearly aware of the more complex aspects of the relationship. May refer to key technical terms such as suspended load. May consider the nature of the load as particle size increases. Explicit reference to Figure 4.
8- Dispersion graphs Allow you to investigate visually the spread of a set of data. By plotting all of the data set on a vertical axis, the range within the data set becomes visually apparent. It is also possible to identify any clustering within the data set. To analyse the data further, extreme values may be removed by using the interquartile range. 79
a dispersion diagram showing total rainfall at various weather stations across England Questions linked to dispersion graphs Jan 10 80
1 (a) (iii) Using Figure 1 and your answers in 1(a)(i) and 1(a)(ii), describe the dispersion of rainfall in England in (4 marks) Answer the questions and check mark scheme next slide 81
Statistical Skills measures of central tendency – mean, mode, median measures of dispersion – interquartile range and standard deviation Spearman’s rank correlation test 83
Measures of central tendency – mean, mode, median Mean/average: you simply add up all the values in your data set and divide by the number of values in the set. Heavily influenced by extreme values. Median: Mid-point of a data set. You have to put all values in rank order and select the middle value. Straightforward when there is an odd number of values. When there is an even number, you have to total the middle two values and the divide by 2. 84
Mode Refers to the frequency with a data set. To calculate this you have to note the value that occurs most frequently in the data set. You might find that there is more than one modal value. If there are two modes the correct term is bi-modal. 85
Interquartile range Requires a formula to work it out. Takes away any extreme values. You have to remember the formula: 86
a dispersion diagram showing total rainfall at various weather stations across England IQR is often linked to dispersion graphs See slide 64 for answer 87 From lowest To highest
Standard deviation Measures dispersion around the mean Linked to the normal distribution curve σ is added or subtracted from the mean 88
Normal distribution curve 89 It assumes that the data in your set follows a simple distribution around the mean. In a normal distribution: 68.2% of the data should lie within +/-1 standard deviation of the mean. (blue area) 95.4% should lie within +/-2 standard deviation of the mean. (green + pink areas), 99.7% should lie within +/-3 standard deviation of the mean. (green + pink+ orange areas) If the standard deviation score shows a normal distribution it means that there are few extreme values. Therefore the dispersion around the mean is low = low standard deviation. This makes the mean a more reliable representation of the data.
90 JUN11: Rainfall variation in a location over a 12 year period is being investigated. A standard deviation calculation has been started in Figure 1. Complete Figure 1 and then use the formula below Figure 1 to complete the standard deviation calculation. Do all calculations to two decimal places. σ = (a) (ii) What does your calculated standard deviation value suggest about rainfall variation at this location? Assuming the data is normally distributed 68.2% of the data should lie between and However, only 57% of the data lies between and Therefore, the value of σ is large and suggests considerable variation (measured against the mean) in rainfall based upon this sample of data. In this location, some years are much drier than others (or vice versa).
Spearman’s rank correlation test Measures correlation. Indicates the strength of the relationship as a numerical value. Answer should lie between -1 and +1. Your answer must exceed the critical value for the test at the 95 per cent level(0,05 level of significance)= result was not a statistical chance, Any less than this and you will reject the findings and accept the null hypothesis. Degree of freedom: number of paired measurements. 91
Ranking If two data or more have the same value, they are given equal ranking. e.g. 1, 2, 3.5, 3.5 (3.5 is the mean of 3 and 4), 5, 7, 7, 7 (7 is the mean of 6,7 and 8), 9,
JAN11:1 (b) The relationship between the number of migrants to the UK in 2006 and the distance between the UK and country of origin is being investigated. Here is the null hypothesis: ‘There is no relationship between the number of migrants to the UK and the distance between country of origin and the UK.’ 93
A Spearman’s Rank Correlation test has been started in Figure 2 below. Complete Figure 2 and then use the data in the formula below the table to calculate the value of rs to three decimal places. Show your working in the space opposite. Always check the number of decimal required in your answer! = 1 mark! 94
Coefficient was: − The result is not statistically significant at either the 0.01 or the 0.05 level of significance as the coefficient is lower than both critical values (1). Therefore, there is no statistical relationship between distance travelled and number of migrants to the UK (1). The null hypothesis is accepted.
June 13: rs = The relationship between fertility rate and infant mortality rate in selected Brazilian states in 2010 is being investigated. The null hypothesis is: ‘There is no relationship between fertility rate and infant mortality rate.’ Answer next slide
97 E.g. The rs calculation exceeds the confidence levels at both the 0.05 and 0.01 level of significance, suggesting a high probability that the result has not occurred by chance. There is a strong positive correlation between the fertility rates and infant mortality rates.
GIS/ICT in geography Remotely sensed data, databases and geographical information systems (GIS) are examples of how ICT can be used in geography. Explain how the use of ICT can improve geographical understanding. 98
The response depends upon the chosen applications. The specification makes reference to remotely sensed data, databases and geographical information systems (GIS). Candidates are not limited to these ICT applications and may also refer to programmes such as Excel. Databases such as The Met Office provide a vast amount of information allowing for detailed analysis of rainfall and other weather patterns. This allows for comparison between areas as well as predicting the impact of particular events. This is useful for both river field studies as well as theoretical examination of river processes and flooding. Such databases can also be used to support case studies as well as providing the basis for field investigations. Level 2 (Clear) 4-5 marks May lack breadth but clearly focused upon the benefits of ICT applications. Clear links to improving geographical understanding. More sophisticated understanding of the benefits linked to geographical outcomes. 99