FUTURE EARTH REGIONAL WORKSHOP KUALA LUMPUR Breakout Session 2: Research priorities and opportunities to strengthen capabilities within Future Earth in Asia and the Pacific Key messages Group 4
Participants 1.Ailikun (Chair) 2.Sybil Seitzinger (TT) 3.Tandong Yao (TT) 4.Yasunari Tetsuzo 5.Taniguchi Makoto 6.Hideaki Shibata 7.Roderick Lawrence 8.Togtokh Chuulun 9.Andrew Matthews 10.Soroush Modabberi 11.Christine Chan 12.Kanayathu Koshy 13.Sharizad Dahlan (Rap.)
Issues raised in group discussion – Asian priority Pressure of urbanization; megacities; health ; pollution Urban-rural system in Asia. Rural system is changing. Water energy, food security issues specific for the region Coastal vulnerability; river basin areas Mountain and low land interaction, Transboundary issues Research capacities in the region Technology to deal with sustainability challenges Development equity – what are the barriers; drivers Valuation of natural capital Global commons - space; services; biodiversity Political issues Climate variability and extremes
Q1: What are the regional research questions for each of the 3 research themes that need to be answered to achieve your vision for Future Earth in the Asia-Pacific region? 1. Monsoon climate and Asian socio- ecological system 2.Rapid urbanization in Asia 3.interactions among mountain, low land, and coastal areas 4.Evaluation of natural capital being more sustainably used
Q2. What are the set of capabilities needed to answer these questions? 1.Enhance the Observing networks in Asia by collaborating with GEOSS 2.Data systems Socio economic data Market valuation of natural capital; ecosystem materials; ecosystem services; tourism potential; biodiversity 3.Local to global scale models including urban scale models 4.Capacity development and Education for Sustainable Development in informal and formal level
Q3. What could be early research activities that would demonstrate the new research that Future Earth seek to foster in the region? 1.What are the consequences of the monsoon climate change on socio-ecological system? What are the adaptation options? 2.What is driving urbanization in Asia? How do urban-rural transitions affect human well-being : water, food, energy, poverty, land? How can these transitions be shaped in the future to develop more sustainable settlement? 3.What are the interactions between mountain, low land, and coastal area, what are the trans-boundary issues relating to the environmental issues and human wellbeing? 4.How can natural scientists work with resource economists to realistically value natural capital so that resources are more sustainably used?