STTA Survey Rationale Objective - To Consult with c120 members of the STTA, and to understand their collective thoughts on: 1. The Sport of Table Tennis and how to better promote it locally through the STTA 2. Views oh the STTA, and What should be their focus & Why? 3. Communication Topics and Frequency? 4. How to engage and encourage Parents / Younger players to 'Give it a Try' 5. Would Members be prepared to support & in What Capacity - Now or in the Future? Actions / Next Steps 1. Gather Member Addresses (Those that have no objections) Through:- Work To Do here 2. Complete Survey Questions - Done 3. Populate On Line Survey - Done 4. Mail Survey Link to Members - Done 5. Gather Data and Summarise Priorities (AH) - Done 7. Present to Committee & Agree on Top 5 Priorities - TBD 8. Communicate to members on the results and resulting Top Priorities & Plans – TBD 9. Separate Sub Groups / Owners to manage each Priority and it's communication - TBD 10. Commitment to complete a similar survey each year - ? Limited Responses to Qualitative Questions
Survey Summary 1. c40 Responses – c36 Completed it in Part (Quantitative) 2. Qualitative – Response low, so not a lot of informative information to base ‘Change’ decisions on. Key STTA Priorities / Actions (Building on the success and hard work to date) 1. Confirm Mission (Being) Vision & Direction – Members Thoughts & Amends a. Website and to all members together with the Survey Review & Actions from it 2. No changes to the existing league structure, until 2014/15, Let’s Engage the members first. 3. Obtain all member addresses Mission Statement (STTA to Own This) ‘To promote the Olympic sport of Table Tennis to the local community by providing players of all ages and levels a social environment to participate and learn about the sport through coaching, practice, leagues, tournaments and open play’
STTA Recommendations Top 5 priorities (From Survey) - Marketing the organisation promoting growth of members through awareness. Via Website and send a link 1. Contact those interested in getting involved within STTA: a. Understand what roles they see themselves performing? b. Discuss further with interested parties 2. Communication and interaction (push & pull with members/players (promote involvement, ownership, loyalty, Our STTA) - Visible change. Encourage Feedback.. ‘Create A BUZZ’ a. Proactive communication via (not just captains all players) Meeting minutes, tournaments, winners pictures. Who? Press coverage, local team news (encourage players to send in pictures and stories), players profiles, push information from website?, did you know, sharing of ideas and thoughts on league improvements (forum) and equipment performance, fitness tips, best practice, experiences etc.. b. Website promotion, ‘How To’ upload news from all within Handbook & Push Mails. Reinforcing within all communication – DONE Thanks Cliff. c. STTA Newsletter, electronic etc.
STTA Recommendations 3. STTA Branding, image and association - All shared and signed off by members. Visible change. a. Certificates (every five years award for long serving players), membership cards for all - association is important and promotes ownership and loyalty b. Welcome pack / membership card for new members - Venues and Player Information (Photo’s) c. Re-branding STTA logo and use the logo everywhere and with pride. Stickers, badges, shirts etc..used at coaching sessions for number of sessions attended etc (same with certificates) – Freebies, Promoting STTA values and branding. d. Involve members, how else? Forum.. Current LOGO? ….
STTA Recommendations Cont..Top 5 priorities (From Survey) 4. Promotion of the sport (Use Tools available through ETTA, Schools, Stars etc..) a. advertising, schools, colleges, universities, youth clubs, hospital, sports centre, local shops, large employers, radio, local press. Benefits - physical, mental, involvement, focus, confidence etc.. b.Coaching - free sessions, certificates for attending so many, grading scheme (Keep Parents informed on their child’s progress) c. Promote Burton manor, social / practice nights. d. Coaching succession plan – Volunteers (Funded by STTA) Newsletter Advertisement ‘Coaching’ – Success? 5. Tighten up League Rules a. Late starts, 2 players, promotion, demotion, monthly meeting attendance. 6. Working / sub groups to decide on the next actions / owners – Top 5 Priorities Our League and Association, It’s future Sustainability and Development Will Require Support from All Members / Players.