Aaron Cook
On April 6, 1994, Rwandas President Juvénal Habyarimana's plane was shot down. All on board were killed. Within 24 hours of the crash, Hutu extremists had taken over the government, blamed the Tutsis for the assassination, and began slaughtering innocent people.
In the course of three months, a space of just 100 days, an estimated 800,000 were murdered in the Rwanda Genocide of days of slaughter
Despite these disturbing acts of inhumane violence, the U.S. refused to help, and even convinced other countries into not taking action.
Many believed the U.S. needed to step in, even if nothing in national interests would have been gained. As a result, many opposed U.S. president, Bill Clinton’s, decision not to take action.
Innocent African, men, women, and children, were brutally hacked to death with machetes.
Hutu extremists would not allow the Tutsi dead to be buried. Their bodies were left where they were slaughtered, exposed to the elements, eaten by rats and dogs.
“If the pictures of tens of thousands of human bodies being gnawed on by dogs do not wake us out of our apathy, I do not know what will.” -Undersecretary-General of the United Nations Kofi Annan
Some of these horrific acts included rape, the mutilation of body parts, and even cutting open the womb to kill both the mother and unborn child.
It was not until July that UN troops arrived in Rwanda, and the genocide came to an end.
The pain and suffering the people in Rwanda had to go through is unimaginable.
Sources "Op-Ed: Rwandan Genocide Gone but Never Forgotten Special." Op-Ed: Rwandan Genocide Gone but Never Forgotten (Includes First-hand Account). N.p., n.d. Delay/ AP, Jerome. N.p., n.d. Web. "Qclass's Blog." Qclasss Blog. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec "Not a Member Yet? Register Now and Get Started." Global Hip Hop Battles The Site for Online Music Battles and Hip Hop News Updates 17 Years Since The Genocide In Rwanda Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec "Kellye Coleman." Kellye Coleman. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec "The Rwandan Genocide." The Rwandan Genocide. N.p., n.d. Web. 07 Dec