Urban Church Planting
THE GREAT COMMISSION Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28:19-20
Examples in the book of Acts The book of Acts is filled with stories of the apostles and common ordinary men going out sharing the good news of Jesus and churches being started. Paul went to cities, shared the gospel, and when he exited; he left behind new churches with leaders in place. Were there problems and was it messy at times? Yes, but we do not see Paul making disciples without connecting them to a local church.
6 We believe that lostness should impact everything we do so that everything we do impacts lostness. We believe that every person deserves at least one opportunity to hear, understand and respond to the Gospel, be gathered into New Testament churches and mature as followers of Jesus Christ.
Current Realities In 2007 for the first time the world’s urban population crossed the 50% threshold In 1950 Latin American urban population = 42% In 2011 Latin American urban population = 79% In 2050 Latin American urban population is projected to be >87% based on the United Nations World Urbanization prospects.
Current Realities Our cities require new approaches and methods to reach the least evangelized population segments. The Gospel message cannot change, but methods need to change. Legacy churches are not engaging many segments or areas in our cities.
Engage multiple cultures and population segments. Multiple people groups. UPG’s are coming to the city. Youth population segments – Urban Tribes University students – Future leaders Least reached population segments = multiple opportunities for your church!
Multiple Steams of Strategies Develop new fresh streams of strategies. Community development strategies for new arrivals in the city. Strategic Connections with national partners. Think outside the box. Be creative! Be very intentional!
Basics of Church Planting Pray Pray Pray – then pray some more Where is the Holy Spirit leading you to work? Depend on the work and power of the Holy Spirit Prayer walk on site Identify the person of peace Start evangelistic outreach groups Biblical evangelism and discipleship Model what the church is and does Help new believers see themselves as the church… Not just a group or Bible study
Basics of Church Planting Celebrate the ordinances…as you baptize your first believers model all aspects of healthy church life. Train the leaders God calls out of the harvest. Instill a DNA of multiplication… they must reach the people in the next neighborhood or population segment
Basics of Church Planting Is it easy to plant churches? Yes and No. It is not complicated, but it does require a tremendous level of “intentionality” or you will struggle ever getting to church. Stay focused on your end-vision of planting churches and help your national partner(s) maintain that same focus.
Basics of Church Planting It requires multiple trips to the field by your church. You cannot send one large team per year and expect to plant churches. Frequent smaller teams. Urban church planting requires working late into the evening or night…people spend a lot of time getting to and from work and are not available until later in the day.
Basics of Church Planting Doing ministry activities in the morning and early afternoon will not help you reach the father or head of household. Goal is to see complete families come to Christ and be part of newly forming churches. Teach and model Christian disciplines and Biblical family relational principles.
Basics of Church Planting Provide pastoral care training for your new leaders so they care for the flock. Define the type of church you want to plant… simple reproducible churches are more practical to plant and sustain by local believers and are reproducible. Land and buildings in urban centers are cost prohibitive
Basics of Church Planting Old methods and models of planting churches that look like the church you currently attend are not reaching the multitudes of people in our cities today. Requires a paradigm shift in our way of thinking as well as the national partner we may be working with. Avoid the pitfall of trying to start new churches with existing Christians that you may meet as a result of your outreach events…
Basics of Church Planting Evaluate contacts you meet that claim they are already Christians to see if you want to invite them to be part of the new church you are planting or if you need to protect your new church plant from these same people…Some are wolves in sheep's clothing.
Basics of Church Planting Church planting requires the commitment to walk along side your national partner encouraging him to press on in the task. There will be intense spiritual warfare. Depend on the leading of the Holy Spirit Evaluate everything you are doing The joy of seeing new churches planted is unimaginable. It is worth the cost.
Master-less Plans of Global Evangelism Cody C. Lorance