20 th & 21 st Century VS. 9 a,b,c,d By: Mrs. Nicholson 20 th Century- _______________to _______________ 21 st Century- _______________to _______________
Virginia’s Economic Change Virginia’s economy changed in the 1900’s from a rural, agricultural society to a more urban, industrialized society. Rural (Country) Urban (City)
Old systems of farming were no longer effective. They were not efficient. Crop prices were low. Farmers were not making profit farming. Why did we change from agriculture to industry? So, many people moved from the rural countryside to the urban cities for economic opportunities.
Better roads were built. Railroads continued to improve. Streetcars became more popular. Technology Advances Cities Grow
Coal mining caused the growth of Virginia towns and cities as people moved from the countryside to find jobs. Coal Mining
Northern Virginia’s population grew because there were a lot of jobs offered with the federal government. (Washington, D.C.) Northern Virginia
Computer Technology caused the Coastal Plain (Tidewater) and Northern Virginia to regions to grow. Computer Technology Fun Fact: The first laptop weighed about 55 pounds.
Woodrow Wilson was the 28 th President of the USA, during World War I. He wrote a plan to get world peace. President Woodrow Wilson
George C. Marshall was a military leader. He created an economic plan to ensure world peace. The Marshall Plan provided U.S. aid to some European countries that were destroyed during World War II. George C. Marshall
After World War II, African Americans demanded equal treatment. They wanted full civil rights and started a movement. Civil Rights- are the rights of ALL people to be treated equally under the law. As a result, laws were passed that made racial discrimination illegal! Civil Rights & Desegregation
Segregation- separation of people, based on race or religion Vocabulary De segregation- Abolishment of racial segregation Inte gration- Full equality of all races in public facilities. Bye Bye Jim Crow Laws
In 1954, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in the case Brown vs. the Board of Education that “separate but equal” schools were against the constitution. All public schools were ordered to desegregate. This meant that school would no longer be segregated. Desegregation.
Virginia’s government established a policy of Massive Resistance. This movement fought to resist the integration of public schools. This meant they wanted to keep schools segregated. Some schools closed to avoid integration. This policy failed and Virginia’s schools were integrated. Massive Resistance
Senator during Massive Resistance He led the Massive Resistance Movement against the desegregation of public schools. Later, while Governor of Virginia, he was known for his “Pay As You Go” policy for road improvements, and he modernized Virginia state government. Harry F. Byrd
Maggie L. Walker was the first African American woman to establish and become a bank president in the U.S.A. Maggie L. Walker
Oliver W. Hill was a lawyer and civil rights leader. He worked for equal rights of African Americans. He played a key role in the Brown vs. the Board of education decision. Oliver W. Hill Sr.
Arthur Ashe was the first African American tennis player to win a major tennis singles championship. He was also an author and spokesman for social change. Arthur Ashe Jr.
Linwood Holton was governor of Virginia. While governor, he promoted racial equality and appointed more African Americans and women to positions in state government than any previous governor. A. Linwood Holton, Jr.
Douglas Wilder was the first African American to be elected as a state governor for the United States. L. Douglas Wilder