Step up: Cross border city in action Vyborg, 30 August 2011 Kick off seminar
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 2 Background of the project Project Northern dimension Cross Border City – the sustainable cooperation programme – the first stage – starting the NBCBCity ( years) Project Cross Border City 2 Cross border city: strategy for future action programme Project «Step up: cross border city in action
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 3 Project Partners City of Lappeenranta (lead partner) City of Imatra Administration of Vyborg region municipality Municipality of the City of Svetogorsk Municipality of Admiralteisky okrug, city of St.Petersburg Finnish Sport Association of South Karelia Finnish-Russian school of Eastern Finland Humak University of applied sciences
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 4 Associated partners School n.363 of Saint Petersburg School n. 284 of Saint Petersburg School n. 622 of Saint Petersburg
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 5 General information Duration of the project– 36 months Project has started – 20 May 2011 Budget of the project– Euro Partners co-financing – Euro Priority of the project -Social development and civil society
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 6 Project Management Two coordinators from russian and finnish side Steering Committee (SC has meetings every project year, plus 1, in every project City) Management group (MG meetings are held 3 times per year, consequently in every partner city, aiming at organizing practical arrangements for the implementation of the project ). Action groups (Each of the four Ags : on sport, culture, education, youth policy, have own meetings 3 times per year, aiming at planning common activities. Meetings are held in turn in every partner city).
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 7 The overall objective The overall objective of the project is to unit the existing institutions and organizations in the 4 fields (sport, youth policy, education and culture) to build a stable background for future cooperation in order to strengthen and develop the advantages and opportunities of the cross border cooperation aiming at improving of the standard of living and welfare of the citizens.
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 8 Action groups Action group on sport(Lappeenranta) Action group on culture (Vyborg region) Action group on education (Imatra) Action group on youth policy (Svetogorsk)
Action group on sport Specific objectives: Meetings on sport and physical education activities Education of healthy sport specialists Training for sport coaches and instructors Participation in local sport events and competitions across the border Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 9
10 Main outputs of the AG on sport 3-language sport events are conducted.Knowledge on healthy sport issues has been increased and put into practice. Sport competition and event e-calendar is formed and updated regularly. Know-how in sport and physical education among local sport actors is being shared and used. Healthy way of life among the project partners and citizens of project territory has been shared and disseminated. Youth has planned and participated in a new regional common sport event.
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 11 Activities of the AG on sport Seminars (4) One day seminars Vyborg, Svetogorsk, Imatra, Lappeenranta 40 rus +40 fin participants Transport: bus Sport actors bicycle marathon(2) 3 days event Vyborg, Svetogorsk, Imatra, Lappeenranta 20 rus +20 fin participants Transport : bicycle SPORT events across the border During all project period One day events Transport: bus
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 12 Seminars of the AG on sport February 2012, Vyborg Special seminar on healthy issues in youth sport. Education for teachers, instructors, coaches, health nurses, teenagers and parents on how to support youth sport activities. September 2012, Lappeenranta Seminar on Families healthy life & power training coaching Special seminar for family healthy life. Education for parents, teachers, teenagers, health nurses, instructors...
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 13 Seminars of the AG on sport March 2013, Svetogorsk Special seminar for healthy sport for working adults. Education for employers, doctors, adults, coaches, instructors and health nurses February 2014, Imatra Seminar on healthy life and wellness of old people, education for coach. Specialists from both sides of the border train health nurses, doctors, instructors and big audience to use sport and physical education at daily life of old aged people
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 14 Action group on culture Specific objectives Promotion of the cultural events and programmes of border territories by participating in partners's forums, festivals, etc Training on the management of cultural events Working out a marketing plan and marketing actions for the cultural events Creating of the contact forum and e-calendar of events
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 15 Main outputs of AG on culture Multicultural and multinational cultural events has been planned and implemented. The level of management, visibility and performance has been improved. through training, common seminars and workshops. The common marketing strategy on promotion and marketing of the common cultural events has been worked out. The e-calendar of common cultural events has been filled in and updated regularly.
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 16 Activities of AG on culture Seminar and matching day (8) One day event Vyborg (2), Svetogorsk (2), Imatra (2), Lappeenranta (2) Transport: bus 40 rus +40 fin participants
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 17 Topics of the seminars of AG on culture Promotion of CBC common culture, Vyborg Event Management training, level 1, Imatra Event Management training, level 2, Svetogorsk Event Management training, level 3, Lappeenranta Marketing plan and Marketing actions for the Culture Events, level 1, Lappeenranta Marketing plan and Marketing actions for the Culture Events, level 2, Vyborg Culture education, Svetogorsk The new CBC-culture co-operation, Imatra
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 18 AG on youth policy Specific objectives Setting up of the Common Youth Parliament (CYP) Meetings of the management of the AG on youth policy (3 per year) and meetings of the members of AG (16 in total). Tolerance Rock - musical festival, July 2012, Svetogorsk. Environmental Music - musical event Summer 2013, Imatra an event, where the environmental problems of the common territory are highlighted by means of music. Participation in organization of Youth Olympic Games of BSR, June 2013, Vyborg New Dialogue on youth policy, Youth event at St.Petersburg, 2013
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 19 Main outputs of the AG on YP Common Youth Parliament(CYP) is founded as a strong dedication to the common youth cooperation of crossborder territories. Youth has been broadly involved into project activities aiming at better mutual understanding, sharing same human values and solving together challenges Cooperation of all relative organizations and structures working in youth policy issues has been increased. The possibility is provided to all willing individuals and legal bodies to share the experience and participation in active way of life. Tolerance, respect, loyalty to each other culture, traditions, history has been acknowledged and extended. ICT skills and knowledge of languages among youth is increased.
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 20 Activities of the AG on YP Formation of Comon Youth Parliament (CYP) The process of setting up of the CYP is estimated for 12 months. During this period representatives of the existing Youth councils carefully study the national legislation,best practices of other countries, work out the regulations, statute and finally, form the CYP with the appropriate registration (if needed), managing and operational bodies. 3 meetings per year is planned in order to create a structure and to share the experiences of the Youth Councils. During the following 24 months the members of CYP have meetings 3 times per year as regular meetings of CYP.
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 21 Activities of the AG on YP Working seminars for common activities planning As there are a number of organizations and structures working with youth issues in every partner city, it is necessary to have meetings in order to share the experience, information, form a network with a goal of contributing to the democratic, social, cultural development aspects in youth policy. 2 persons from each partner is planned to take part in the meetings. Plus invited specialists. Altogether 12 meetings, conducted whenever necessary, especially when planning common events (musical festival, olympic games).
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 22 Activities of the AG on YP Musical festival –Tolerant Rock One-day festival in Svetogorsk, summer participants from project partners, Public event, open for all citizens. Aiming at consolidation of efforts in organizing conducting the festival (with the help and assistance of specialists from AG on culture) and presenting own musical talents. Combined with the annual youth festival "White nights“ in Svetogorsk. This time, it has a broader territorial and participatory covering and is aimed at bringing up the issues of being mutually tolerant with the help of music. Musical groups from small municipalities of Vyborg region, St.Petersburg (Admiraltyisky okrug), Lappeenranta and Imatra participate in one day festival. 3 buses of participants from russian side, 3 buses from finnish side.
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 23 Activities of the AG on YP Musical festival –Musical environment One-day festival in Imatra, summer participants from project partners, Public event, open for all citizens. Representing national culture, cultural and historical reconstruction. 3 buses of participants from russian side, 3 buses from finnish side.
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 24 Activities of the AG on YP YOUTH at BSR Youth Olympic games in Vyborg, summer days event. 100 prs, Vyborg. First time BSR youth Olympic games are held in Vyborg. Good opportunity to tell about the youth policy on cross border territories. AG on youth policy assists and supports the organizational committee of Olympic Games by forming own volunteering team. Participation in the event allows to represent the cooperation of youth and show the cross border culture to the participants of Baltic Olympic Games.
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 25 Activities of the AG on YP New Dialogue of the Youth Youth event at St.Petersburg where new challenges of future are discussed among youth. Globalisation, education, communication, tolerance, environmental questions and cultural differences. 20 participants from each city ( total 100 ) will make new action plan for future at Cross Border City area.
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 26 AG on education Specific objectives Setting up networks and links among school directors, teachers and workers of the day care centres Conducting school to school seminars and work shops on culture and actual topics on the both sides of the border Developing distance learning activities Conducting of the 3 thematical seminars
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 27 Main outputs of the AG on education A unique network between the educational institutions of Finland and Russia has been formed. Several common courses for the Finnish and Russian pupils in culture, languages, history and mathematics has been created. The existing distance learning connection practice was improved and strengthened and common new learning methods by using social media and internet based Moodle learning platform was found Awareness of the school directors and teachers of the pedagogical methods and culture on the other side of the border have risen
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 28 Activities of the AG on education Training seminars between the schools Training seminars between the day care centres Seminar 1: Collective responsibility and welfare at school. 60 participants Two days seminar, Imatra-Svetogorsk Seminar 2: School of the future 60 participants Two days seminar, Imatra-Svetogorsk Seminar 3 : Facing the structural change of industries and society in comprehensive school education. 60 participants Two days seminar, Imatra
Проект софинансируется ЕС, РФ и Республикой Финляндия 29 ICT platform Website development, filling in and updating Website of the project is based on the website that was created during the CBC-project. During the project period, all AGs run own pages, forums and fill e- calendar of events. ICT training seminars 3 seminars are held for the project participants on how to use the website and how to update. The aim: after the project ends, website is run by the trained specialists from AGs in 3 languages: russian, finnish and english. Whenever it's possible seminars are joined with other common activities.