1.Using the examples in the PowerPoint and your answer sheet, write the place and value of the circled number. 2.Write how the circled number compares to the number to the left. 3.What is the place and value of the number to the left of the circled number? Write your answer. 4.Write how the circled number compares to the number to the right. 5.What is the place and value of the number to the right of the circled number? Write your answer. 6.Turn in your answer sheet. This task uses: Learning Target: 5.NBT.1 – Recognized that in a multi- digit number, the digit the left is 10 times the value of the digit to the right and the digit to the right is 1/10 the value of the digit to the left. Move to the Right, Move to the Left
1.Using the examples in the PowerPoint, type the place and value of the circled number in the text box. 2.In the text box, type how the circled number compares to the number to the left. Go to Vocaroo.com and record what you typed into the box. Copy the link and insert it in the text box. Remember to Hyperlink it. 3.What is the place and value of the number to the left of the circled number? Type your answer in the text box and add audio like you did in the previous slide. 4.In the text box, type how the circled number compares to the number to the right and add your audio. 5.What is the place and value of the number to the right of the circled number? Type your answer in the text box and add your audio. 6. Save your PowerPoint as firstname_lastnamePV This task uses: Learning Target: 5.NBT.1 – Recognized that in a multi- digit number, the digit the left is 10 times the value of the digit to the right and the digit to the right is 1/10 the value of the digit to the left. Vocaroo
Watch, Learn, Do 1. Go to and enter the code MTF2H7E to watch the video Understanding place value: multiplying by a power of Open the PowerPoint saved to the desktop named Place_Value. 3. Follow the directions on each slide to move the cubes, strips, and mats to represent the values in the chart. 2.Save your PowerPoint as firstname_lastname_PV2 3.Log into Blackboard and post your Ppt in the Place Value Discussion board. 4.Look at one of your classmate’s Ppt and respond if you agree with their answers. This task uses: Learning Target: 5.NBT.1 – Recognized that in a multi- digit number, the digit the left is 10 times the value of the digit to the right and the digit to the right is 1/10 the value of the digit to the left.
I Say, You Say 1. Open the PowerPoint saved to the desktop named Place_Value. 2.Follow the directions on each slide to move the cubes, strips, and mats to represent the values in the chart. As you move your manipulatives, record your voice tell what you are doing step by step and why. 3.Save your PowerPoint as firstname_lastname_PV2 4.Log into Blackboard and load your PowerPoint in the “I Say, You Say” Discussion Board. 5.Watch 2 other students’ PowerPoints from another class and reply how they compare to your explanations. This task uses: Learning Target: 5.NBT.1 – Recognized that in a multi- digit number, the digit the left is 10 times the value of the digit to the right and the digit to the right is 1/10 the value of the digit to the left. Audio