Comparing Numbers Using, and =
Comparing Numbers It is good to know if one number is larger, smaller, or the same as another number. Which number is larger 17 or 54? Or are they the same? How do we show which is larger?
Three Signs: We use three signs to compare numbers. *Think of the less than and greater than signs as alligator mouths. The alligator always eats the larger number.* =If two values are equal, we use the "equals" signexample: 3+2 = 5 < If one value is smaller than the other, we use the "less than" sign. example: 2 < 7 > And if one value is bigger than the other, we use the "greater than" sign example: 9 > 6
Watch this video about comparing numbers.
Equals Sign = Here are some examples of when you use the equal sign. 1.4 = = = = = = = 10 tens
Less Than Sign < Here are some examples of when you use the less than sign. Remember the alligator always eats the larger number. 1.2 < < < < < < < 20 +6
Greater Than Sign > Here are some examples of when you use the greater than sign. Remember the alligator always eats the larger number > > > > > > >
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Extra Online Practice Comparing numbers through 10: 10.html 10.html Comparing numbers through 100: html html
Next Generation Standard M.1.NBT. 3 compare two two-digit numbers based on meanings of the tens and ones digits, recording the results of comparisons with the symbols >, =, and <.(CCSS Math.1.NBT.3)
Resources 10.htmlhttp:// 10.html htmlhttp:// 100.html (video: creative commons) fantasies_19.html (Slide 1 graphic: creative commons) fantasies_19.html (slide 5 graphic: creative commons (Slide 6 and 7 graphics: creative commonshttps://