Collaboration Over Time Will Hunter Jake Jordan.


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Presentation transcript:

Collaboration Over Time Will Hunter Jake Jordan

Introduction Creativity is a long and arduous process Even the brightest historical minds failed – often Be proud to be a failure

The Origin of Species Interesting analogy as ideas occur much like evolution Darwin took thirteen years to design his theory We learn that creativity takes time

Learning from Failure Great creators are also colossal failures Darwin, Einstein, Benjamin Franklin all had miserable failures Ex: Darwin’s theory of monads, Einstein’s refusal to acknowledge quantum theory

Historiometry Method for testing creativity In all facets, most people are uncreative and the majority of creativity is with the few Nobel Laureates and successful inventing firms use failure as a measure for success, valuing ‘quantity’ over ‘quality’

Connecting the Sparks Conceptual transfer – using analogies to replace similar strains in ideas Conceptual combinations – using two discordant ideas to make one sensible one Conceptual elaboration – using one idea in the extreme to make a new idea Ad-hoc conceptualism – using ‘random’ categories to class seemingly unconnected things

The Power of Visual Imagery Uses the power of vision to spark ideas Picking visuals from many options forces brain to think around the normal patterns Having pre-conceived notions of ideas hampers creative thought

In Memoriam Studies show creativity takes ten years to become streamlined for an individual A ‘good’ success-to-failure rate is 1:10 Great creativity comes from melding many ideas, both good and bad

Question (Actually, Imperative Statement) Name two of the four ‘Connecting the Spark’ categories for innovation and describe each with a sentence.