Film and Publication Board 09/10 Operational Plan (High level)
Contents Legislative Mandate Vision and Mission Strategic Objectives 09/10 Operational Plan
LEGISLATIVE MANDATE The Film and Publication Board (FPB) is a legal entity established in accordance with the Film and Publications Act, It performs the functions, exercise powers and discharge duties assigned to it by the Act to ensure that the following objectives of the Act are achieved; regulating the creation, production, possession, broadcasting and distribution of films, interactive computer games and certain publications; providing consumer advice to enable adults to make informed viewing, reading and gaming choices, both for themselves and for children in their care; protecting children from exposure to disturbing and harmful materials and from pre- mature exposure to adult experiences; and making the use of children in pornography punishable
VISION AND MISSION VISION A credible and visible content- classification authority- MISSION We regulate the media environment through the classification of content, by: Maintaining relevance to the values and norms of South African society through scientific research; and Balance the right to freedom expression with an obligation to protect children from exposure to potentially disturbing, harmful and inappropriate materials; and Protect children from sexual exploitation in media content, in order to educate the broader South African society to make informed choices
STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES SO1- To ensure an enhanced, integrated and constitutionally sound regulatory framework, so as to enable informed choices about media content whilst creating a healthy and child safe media environment. SO2- To develop and maintain organisational capacity and capability to ensure effective management and implementation of the Act SO3- To enhance leadership and management of the Film and Publication Board resulting in sound corporate governance and compliance SO4- To ensure that the business and work of the FPB reflects contemporary norms and values, by forming and maintaining national and international partnerships and coordinating initiatives that support the business of the FPB SO5- To position the FPB as a visible and credible, professionally run organisation that regulates media through classification content
09/10 Plans - overview Implementation of amendments to the Act (if passed) Development of Labelling system for classified material Implementation of POA on child pornography Strengthen relations with industry
09/10 Plans - Overview Review and update of organisational processes and systems Implementation of Stakeholder Relations Program International relations ( Focus: SADC and INHOPE) Review tarrifs structure
Challenges Delays in the enactment of the Amendment Bill into an ACT Limited financial resources to rollout programs Industry Related challenges such as piracy, distributors rights and parallel importing Governance (appointment of a full Board, pending enactment of Amendment Bill)
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