Future Tense, Conflict Resolution Styles Spoken English IV Fujian Normal University
X X X X Buy a car, 2018 Travel abroad, 2020 Work as a translator, 2017 Graduate university, 2016 Simple Future: What will you do after you graduate? Future Progressive: What will you be doing in 2019? Future Perfect: What will you have done by the time you travel abroad?
Future Tense Exercise Future Tense: (simple future, future progressive, future perfect) With a partner, talk about: (a)what you will do for summer vacation, (b)what you will do after you graduate, (c)what you will be doing in 2018, (d)what you will have done before you graduate, (e)what you will be doing in your third year of university, (f)where you will be living after you find a job, (g)what you will have done before you retire, (h)what you will eat for dinner tonight.
Discussion: Future Tense In partners, ask, “What goal (s) do you hope to achieve in the next year?” (eg. Lose weight, go on a trip, get a job) In a round robin opinion poll, Ask classmates: “What experiences do you most want to have in the future?” Make an opinion poll to find out what classmates most want to experience in the future.(eg graduate, get married, travel) In 30 seconds, switch partners
Future Tense: Adverbs of Probability QUESTIONS Are you going to _____ ? Are you planning to _____ ? How likely will you ______? How sure do you think you will (you’ll) ____?
Future Tense: Adverbs of Probability DefiniteI’m (not) going to _____. I’m (not) planning to _____. I’m certainly/definitely (not) going to _____. Nothing’s going to stop me from_____. Probably/ Likely I’m hoping to _____. I’d like to _____. I think I’ll _____. I’ll probably/likely (not) (verb). Possibly/ Perhaps I might/may _____. I’m thinking of (verb+ing) _____. I think/imagine I might _____. UndecidedI haven’t decided yet. I haven’t made up my mind yet.
Probability Practice Questions How sure do you think you’ll graduate in 2016? Are you going to get married? Are you going home for May Day? How likely will you go to graduate school? Are you planning to travel abroad in the future? Are you planning to go out for supper this weekend? How likely will you learn to drive a car this year? Are you planning to be a translator? A teacher? How sure do you think you’ll stay in Fuzhou after graduating? How sure do you think you’ll pass the TEM-4 this year?
Conflict Resolution Vocabulary Match talk directly to the other persona. mediate Talk about it with a friend to get adviceb. revenge get someone else to talk with the other personc. arbitrate say you’re sorryd. Avoid, ignore make an agreement that helps you and the other person a little e. apologize do something to harm the other personf. Talk it out don’t admit there’s a problem or don’t do anything to resolve the conflict g. consult agree to have someone else make a decision about how to resolve the conflict h. compromise
Conflict Resolution Styles First party Collaboration “I win, you win” Compromise “we both win some, we both lose some” Accommodation “I lose, you win” Competition “I win, you lose” Avoidance “I lose, you lose” Third party Mediation Arbitration Consultation
Identify the Conflict Resolution Style 1.You will be given a list of 14 scenarios. Each scenario is about a different type of conflict. 2.In pairs, identify what type of conflict resolution style was used in the scenario. 3.Each pair will be asked to read the scenario and identify the conflict resolution style
Homework 1a. Go to shaolinenglish.wikispaces.com b.Under Lesson 8, open the “Conflict Resolution Style Evaluation” c.Complete the evaluation by May 10 th. (or the next class after the mid term exam) d.Report your result to me via 2.In a group of 2-3, create a role play for the scenario you are assigned, to perform in class on May 10 th (or the next class after the mid term exam)
Personal Conflict Resolution Style Evaluation (Byler, 1995) Scoring: Count up the total number of a’s, b’s, etc. you gave as answers, and write them on the lines below. _____ a _____ b _____ c _____ d _____ e _____ f
Personal Conflict Resolution Style Evaluation (Byler, 1995) If you scored mostly a’s, you may prefer avoidance If you scored mostly b’s, you may prefer competition If you scored mostly c’s, you may prefer accommodation If you scored mostly d’s, you may prefer compromise If you scored mostly e’s, you may prefer collaboration If you scored mostly f’s, you may prefer third-party resolutions You may be comfortable with more than one style of conflict resolution. You may use a different style for different situations and people. There is no one “right” way to deal with conflict!
Mid term Exam Date: April 26, 2013 Value: 30% of final mark Write a speech about “I am…..” which will be about sentences Each line should begin with “I am…” Use the instructor’s speech “I am” as a guide to preparing your assignment Written part must be submitted Pronunciation, Fluency, Vocabulary, Grammar, Depth, Length will all be part of the assignment grade.